Meta-PokéBase Q&A

User Lexiecat123

Member for: 12 years (since May 5, 2012)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Girl. Nuff said.
Country: North America. Once again, nuff said.
Favorite Pokémon: Lugia, Mew, Arceus
Friend Codes: Name: ShadowIce
My Friend Code (3ds): 3325-1970-3520
Rio (best friend here!)
PikaPower (even though he can be hard to deal with like Cheren)
Blobyolo (because I love the name and i think he's nice)
Zekrom88 (because he's one of my friends here)
Zeo (because he's very friendly and one of my friends here)
Mew (Fun to talk to)
PokemonBlack10 (my second most bestest friends here)
Hello (He's always been a great pal, and always greets me with a hello!)
natedog1776 (a nice person)
--------------OLD DESCRIPION OF ME-------------------
It started when i was a baby. I was soo cute blahblahblahblahblah (two hours later....) and, well, here i am.
--------------NEW DESCRIPTION OF ME-----------------
I am glad to be a member of this site. Of course I know that no one will ever be sitting here and reading this, but hey! If anyone IS reading this, comment me and ask for your free 10 lc!!!!!! I hope I NEVER get banned, and I have had some pretty close calls. I'm just here to have fun, chat, and ask & answer questions. Before you go, I want to tell you that you're awesome if your reading this. TaTa!
----------------SPECIALS AND EXTRAS-------------------
My signiture: =
My Profile picture: Shiny Mew
Favorite animal: Cat
Favorite color: Silver
Favotite Plant: Rose
Favorite movie: Tron Legacy (im a geek!)
Other things i'm members of: Flipnote Hatena, Gravitar, Super Smash Flash, Pokemon Global Link.
T money code: HP-HG-RW-123

"Mew is my favorite because he looks like a kitty!"
"Keep calm and eat pasta"
"Slow Start! I hate it!"
"I really like Bidoof! Said no one ever"
"Let it go! Let it go! Get that Koffing out of your box!"
"Das ist mein Pokemon. Er ist ein gut Pokemon."
"The only way out is Max Repels. Or escape ropes. Either that, or Zubats. Everywhere"
"If you ride that darn bicycle inside, I'm going to kick your butt to the moon."
"What Kricketune sounds like to me? KAKAKAKAWOOOOOP"
"Nothing will stand in my way! *sees boulder and has no strength hm* Except for that..."

--------------------------OFFERS AND REQUESTS----------------------------
I need Arceus for my Pokedex. Will anyone trade it to me? Once I get it, I will automatically send it back. PROMISE! Friend code: 3325-1970-3520. I WON'T STEAL IT PROMISE!

Anyone out there want an awesome Delphox? She's got great IV's, a nice move pull and an item that will pump up her fire attacks: charcoal. Want in return: Mew. Just kidding! Tysplosion. Trade today!

Activity by Lexiecat123

Score: 10 points (ranked #93,453)
Questions: 2
Answers: 1
Comments: 6
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 1 up vote, 2 down votes

Wall for Lexiecat123

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I am officially awesome.
Oct 17, 2022 by Gau
Hey =)
I know you've been answering alot lately and trying to help, but please stick with the rules. Generally, your answers don't fully answer the question, and often posts on Meta are directed to Moderators and Pokemaster, so theres not much point on answering those. Also RMT answers need to assess their whole team, not just one or two pokemon and a single point or something.

Sorry, and thanks =)
Mar 11, 2014 by Sempi
Lexie, don't kid yourself. :P
Feb 27, 2014 by Rio
Feb 26, 2014 by Zekrom88
You're Still Here!
Feb 26, 2014 by Zekrom88
I'm back!
Feb 25, 2014 by Lexiecat123