I did but i may need them on my wall i like the Ashleigh and Lizzy gym reminds me a little of lizza and tate but not the same type also kinda like cilian, cress and chili’s too but two instead of three
At this rate we only need a couple more gyms i’m still trying to name places maybe... well maybe if all those who made a gym wanted they could make the gums city too like u could make Ashleigh’s and Lizzy’s gym as well as walter’s giru could make Pika and unamed fairy leaders city, and shatter could make Tyson’s...
Aug 8, 2021
Dyla N
Hello i just read the water leader info looks good! It’ll The interest in seeing Grace main character about him as she is a watertight master in training
Aug 8, 2021
Dyla N
Well, it's not really my fanfic. I just came up with a Gym Leader Pika, I wanted to use her, and Minior cooked up most of the ideas so far. I'm sure Minior would love the help though. I'm so lame with ideas, but Dodge is hot. OK, that was random... in any case, you'd probably be a great help. So far we only have three Gym Leaders I think. Well, we have one, but I've come up with ideas for two more. Have yet to expand upon them.
Aug 7, 2021
Hiya, yo’re probably busy with other stuff but i wanted to let ya know Giru and I are working on a pokemon fic based in a made up region based on either ireland or scottlabd, well how i imagine them anyway. My OC is yhe nonexistent younger sister of Misty, hers is said nonexistent younger sisters rival, mone is named Grace i think hers is Dodge. Anyway figured i’d let you know its open to join up. Speaking of fics did you see i made a simmary for Deidre Grant? “Book one, Yhe Endarkened Tomb”
Aug 7, 2021
Dyla N
Check oit my wall! Came up with a title and basic idea for yhe DG book XD
Aug 5, 2021
Dyla N
Oh okay sorry bout being confusing XD
Aug 4, 2021
Dyla N
I never liked Halfborn he’s meh XD. Nice meme though. And thanks! I think the Deidre Grant series shiuld happen thiugh i don’t know why i’m calling it a series since book one remains untitled. Its supposed to be reminiscent Of yhree things two of which i never seen/read so its based on what pittle i lnow.
1. Daring Do from MLP
2. Indiana jones never saw a songle movie but that’s where the Adventure part comes from
3. A book capped “ curse of the specter queen” which is supposed to be a reimagining of Indiana Jones I haven’t even read the book yet but I’m getting it soon .
I am also fairly certain I thought it was never said specifically that derring-do it’s also based off of Indiana Jones, The fact that D eidre has a younger sister however is totally original I don’t think any of these above characters have a sibling at least none that I’ve ever heard of
And okay that’s right i recall now that was ch16 right? So now you just need to add your part of 16 which was originally 17 to it? Then i’d do ch17 as Airika? I apologize if I just made that sound way more confusing than it really is awesome it’ll be fun to make chaos
Aug 4, 2021
Dyla N
Hi welcome back! And sure that could work but i’m blanking where did we leave off? And inreleated but i’ve posted a new story idea on my eall actually you might have seen it was just wondering if yiu had any olnions on it XD
Aug 2, 2021
Dyla N
Home once again. By tommorow evening, when I’m finished unpacking, I should be able to access my writing computer.
Aug 2, 2021
Are you tryna give a high-five from your grav? O_o
If yes, then I give it back, girl, because why not? :P
Jul 22, 2021