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Wall for Kareen

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Kareen: Grass/Poison/Ground/Steel

Abilities: Beast Boost + Poison Point

(1/4): Grass, Rock, Fairy
(1/2): Normal, Bug, Dragon, Steel
     0: Electric(1/2), Poison(1/2)
     1: Water, Fighting, Flying, Psychic, Ghost, Dark
     2: Ice, Ground
     4: Fire

HP: 090
Att: 181
Def: 131
SA: 075
SD: 085
Sp: 109
Total: 671

 Height: 32" or 02'08"
Weight: 66.3
   BMI: 18.3
Jul 12, 2018 by Jasone Anderson
Welcome to the site! Have you read the rules?
Jul 12, 2018 by Syl ™