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User KaatRootje18

Member for: 5 years (since Jun 11, 2019)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Male
Country: Netherlands
Favorite Pokémon: Hawlucha
Friend Codes: My FC: 3153 - 8437 - 2344

I'm very active in Pokémon US/UM. If you want to add me, you may send me a message. I look on this website almost every day! I love to have some battles or to trade, so ask me whenever you want!
About me: My name is Rowan. I am 17 years old. Altough I study very hard at school, and my grades are great, my English is not that good. But I will try to type English as best as I can! But the most important thing: I play Pokémon in my free time. I also like to be outside and spend some time with my family. My first Pokémon game is Soul Silver, but I played the rest of the games as well. I hope this community will be there for me and help me with my struggles. My main goal is becoming a Pokémon Master! See you! :)

Activity by KaatRootje18

Score: 20 points (ranked #1,000)
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Comments: 2
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Glad you enjoyed it. The next stories coming up as soon as I stop procrastinating.
Apr 17, 2020 by An Asocial Moth
Im do uou nean Swampertite?” Or Sharpedonite?” Or is that not ar all what ur talking about
Apr 16, 2020 by Dyla N
Really late reply...

"How's everything going?"
A simple question for most. But for Magikarp, it was crushing. Day after day, its life has been one thing, to splash. It can't take it anymore. It can't take the pressure to live up to. Being born with a rare "square shiny" condition, its peers and parental figures have done nothing but pressure him to be perfect to be able to flaunt his condition in battle.

"A one in 65000 chance."
Magikarp was salty. And not just because of the sea water. A one in 65000 chance to just have been a normal child, not some sort of prodigy. Many of his peers envy him, but he just wishes to have been born normal.

Nothing to do now but train. And splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash.

"Now," his Flareon mentor commanded, "evolve..."

But alas. He did not evolve. He was still a lowly magikarp who could barely flail. It was not until, a strange face showed himself during a training session. It certainly was strange. It was spherical shape, with a black line in the middle dividing the red from the top and white on the bottom. However, his appearance was not important. Magikarp with his condition, knows this. What's important was what he was doing there.

"Would you like a pokeball in this trying time?"
Magikarp felt a surge of emotions. Two of them was anger and confusion, because why would this man want to give him something which enslaves his people? Another was joy, because no one ever offered him anything other than to make him train more. And then he was confused and angry again because the community was supposed to be on lockdown because of COVID-19. Then he felt joy again because if he was sick he won't be allowed to train. Then he was scared because that probably meant his mentors would make him do online splashing.

Magikarp didn't know why, but he told this stranger his story. The sphere person just nodded at the end. Then, a light bulb went off in his head. Instead of a pokeball, he offered EXP candies, which were spoils of war from his home region. Magikarp had tears in his eyes. With this, he could be able to evolve without needing to strain his body more.

The next day, Ball Guy waved farewell to Gyarados and continued his adventure bringing aid to the people. But he was stopped on the road by a familiar educator.

"Its over!" shouted H. byleTh.
Mar 29, 2020 by An Asocial Moth
Hey, did I see you in Drifty's glitched team of 24 Magikarp? Or was that someone else? XD
Mar 15, 2020 by Gau
Thank you!
Mar 1, 2020 by Dyla N
I just saw on Bulbapedia that you can't transfer Pokémon from Gen 7 to 6.
Feb 19, 2020 by ~Dreamer~
I need them in Gen 6 to complete my Pokedex. Maybe we can trade some other time, but Phione and Meloetta are my priority right now.
Feb 18, 2020 by ~Dreamer~
Hi, KaatRootje! I just wanted to ask if you have a (not hacked) Phione or Meloetta in Gen 6. I'm willing to trade any other Pokémon for it. I can clone the Pokémon and trade it back so we both have it. I've been looking all over for these two and they are the last Pokémon I need to complete my National Pokedex.
Feb 16, 2020 by ~Dreamer~
Does anybody have a Eternatus, zacian or zamazenta for me in pokemon home? I have every pokemon from gen 1 to 7.
Feb 14, 2020 by KaatRootje18
Hello everyone!
Feb 2, 2020 by KaatRootje18