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User KCornfused

Member for: 6 years (since Jun 14, 2018)
Type: Registered user
Country: USA
Favorite Pokémon: Galvantula... maybe. It's a tie between 16 various pokes. I'm PolyPokeamerous I suppose.
Friend Codes:
About me: I am of the weird variety. Weirdness is my game, you know my name already so I'm not gonna say it again that would be redundant.

Oh bollocks I got that out of order.
Piddlywinklesmchidtstermeisterburger!!!! That's a totally real exclamation oft spoken by my people.
I'm a fake brit. And painfully unfunny. Obviously.

Activity by KCornfused

Score: 20 points (ranked #1,000)
Questions: 0
Answers: 0
Comments: 0
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for KCornfused

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Also, the Database's tags are determined by usage; not a lot of people have asked questions about Guard Split, so the tag doesn't have enough questions under it to be recognized. Users with few points can't make new tags (or under used ones, to prevent things like random-tag-i-felt-like-making becoming a thing).
Jul 25, 2018 by KRLW890
Welcome to the Database :)
Jul 25, 2018 by KRLW890