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User Jordan_9

Member for: 11 years (since Nov 28, 2013)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Male
Country: United States
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About me: Usually inactive but I'll get on very rarely. Feel free to say hello!

Activity by Jordan_9

Score: 20 points (ranked #1,000)
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Answers: 1
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Rocket league
Oct 21, 2022 by BM™
You still alive?
Feb 12, 2017 by Mosmic Dragoon
inb4 you're gone by the time I write that ;~;
Jul 26, 2016 by Qwerty_Zoom
About time dammit xD How've you been?

(I'm inactive now tho ;-; can't let the distractions free anymore)
Jul 26, 2016 by Qwerty_Zoom
Heyo, I finished watching Future Diary, and I loved it! Definitely stuff I'd recommend someone else (so long as they're fine with the... gore and... well... a few scenes). Did you finish watching Code Geass btw?
Nov 28, 2015 by Qwerty_Zoom
Btw would have really helped to have known it was adult material, my brother was soo close to watching it with me xD

I've seen the first seven episodes in the past few days, its interesting so far :o
Oct 21, 2015 by Qwerty_Zoom
... I messed up actually. lol.

I made the mistake of starting it right before my project week, and right after it I was forced to see my first episode of Code Geass (my friend coaxed me into it x.x) so I haven't even made it past the first episode xD sorry

Will definitely watch more though, the concept sounded cool :o To be honest I am somewhat crunched for time though, so I'll be done like by new year or something (because prelims and all that happen next month ;-;) year 10 is cruel here
Oct 19, 2015 by Qwerty_Zoom
Code Geass is, at the beginning, a little similar to Death Note. A high school kid named Lelouch gets supernatural powers call the Geass, which allows him to issue absolute commands onto a person, once. He goes about trying to get Area 11 (or whatever's left of Japan) freedom from the Britannian Empire using this newly acquired power.

That's the ultra-compressed gist of it. Of course though, it's hardly that simple xD this anime is all about the journey, and the plot twists along the way. If I was to rate it on a scale of 10, I'd give 9/10 or even 10/10, it's that good :o
Oct 16, 2015 by Qwerty_Zoom
Ah... I'd actually come across this game called Air Wings, thought I'd get you into it (more people to play against :9). It's actually a pretty cool game, even though the concept is like the simplest of this century xD

And hey, you recommended me an anime, I thought I should recommend you one too :o have you seen Code Geass by any chance?
Oct 14, 2015 by Qwerty_Zoom
I saw the first episode, looks like I might watch some more
xD just kidding, I loved it :>

Btw, do you have an iPad?
Sep 29, 2015 by Qwerty_Zoom