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User Imortalkitty

Member for: 11 years (since Aug 11, 2013)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Female
Country: Wisconsin USA
Favorite Pokémon: Victini, Mighyena, and LITLEO!!!!!
Friend Codes: I do have one but im not sure how to work that stuff.
About me: Sorry I kept this blank for awhile.

My real name is Miranda, I'm 14 and am the sis of Demonflygone and Little Eevee. I Used to figure skate and I'm a terrible speller( I cant help it XD). I like math and science and my fav. color is blue. (maybe orange soon) Im a twin to Little Eevee and I LOVE rp-ing! (to bad its banned) I think I'm funny, nice, bossy, cheerful, crazy, and a fun person to be around. If u want to add something tell me and I will add it. :)

these are all the names I have :
Imortalkitty, Imortalevee, Imortal, Kitty, Eevee (although I wish people would call me evee or Kitty so I can tell if there talking to me or my sis) IK, Imortalvictini, Miranda, Randa, R and M, and sometimes Stormwing (warrior cats name)


Smiles! :3

Eevee, Victini, Litleo, Skitty, Delcatty

good gravy =a substute for good god

MY FAV SMILES (or ones I use often)

ok sorry if I miss u tell me if I do and I'm going to be honest. Also sorry if I spell ur name wrong. :D
Demonflygone: my big bro
Little Eevee: my sis and partner in crime
Moon: my protecter. She is like my big sis/mommy to me. I look up to her : )
Pokemon123: he is one of my best friends and I can always count on him to be there. I call him poke :D
x Shiney Luxray x: I don't know if he counts me as a friend but I do. I call him lux
Pikamaster: same as luxray -_-
Cluelessponyta: I don't know her that well but I guess I'm putting her on here because when I first joined the site I went on the chat and she was handing out poison muffins and it made the chat really fun and she made me feel like I fit in.
Metaknight: the funniest friend i could have (Im his Eevee!) :D
Poke-potato: the best nanny an eevee could have C:
Jellohamster: hes like the bestfriend :3 i tell him all my secrets...
Remember if I missed u tell me on my wall, email me, or in the chat. And don't be shy bout it! Its ok! ;D
Also these are my friends on this site only

[email protected]

Im so old! Its been FOREVER scence iv been here! Im the grandma that doesent know any of the younsters. Anyway! I guess that means IM the new person now! That should be fun.

If u want me to add ANYTHING WHATSOEVER then post on my wall and in the chat room if I'm there :3

Activity by Imortalkitty

Score: 20 points (ranked #1,000)
Questions: 0
Answers: 0
Comments: 0
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for Imortalkitty

Please log in or register to post on this wall.
Sep 14, 2014 by Imortalkitty
Hai itz me orange :D
Sep 14, 2014 by シングル オレンジ!!
My username for EVERYTHING is Imortalkitty
Mar 27, 2014 by Imortalkitty
Im not on this much anymore. Sorry. My email is on my profile and U can find me in these places also.

My user name for both of these websites is Imortalkitty
Mar 24, 2014 by Imortalkitty
Feb 24, 2014 by pokemon123
I <3 ALLLLL MY FRIENDS!!!   :D   (yes i am crazy, AND I LOVE IT!!)
Feb 23, 2014 by Imortalkitty