N is an idiot, as usual
Once upon a time, there was nothing in the universe but a single egg. It eventually burst open, and out came Arceus. It created Palkia to create space, Dialga to create time, and Giratina to create antimatter. Giratina was very violent towards Dialga and Palkia and destroyed all that they created, and Arceus banished him to the distortion world. Arceus eventually got bored and created Kyogre and Groudon to make the earth. As you know, Lusamine was created and Lameheadified Rayquaza and Groudon, and Rayquaza’s epic fart that stopped the fight between Kyogre and Groudon created a being near a large stone formation similar to a harmonica that would eventually be a resting place for Tropius. This gave him the name “Natural Harmonica Tropius”. Lusamine made him lame, and he said “DEERP I NATURAL HARMONIA GROPIUS REE”. He terrorized the world for a long long time. That brings us to this day, where N was running around, looking for baked beans. He eventually made it to Lavender Town, and he said “D O R P TOO SCAREEE”. He ate the Pokémon Tower whole, puked it out, and the Radio Tower came in to existence. He then put a giant boombox on the top of the tower that played Parlor Swipple’s “PEE THREELER” on repeat. “BECEEZ THEES EEZ PEE THREELER, PEE THREELER NEET! WHERE N SAID REE AND I SAID DORP AND WE BROKE UP AND DISRESPECTED SCREE” kept on playing. N dorped along, and came across Primal and Groudon yelling at eachother. “BUT I SAID REEE AND THREW A BAKED BEAN AT PARLOR SWIPPLE!!!” Groudon screamed. “YOU’VE SAID THAT 2891 TIMES! I DON’T GIVE A CRAP!!!” Primal roared in reply. N saw Groudon eating baked beans, and decided it necessary to swallow Groudon whole. This he did, and he expected Primal to be mad about this, because he was a stupid idiot. He was mistaken. Primal was overjoyed, and happily ate pizza. “DOREEPEE WHY AREN’T THERE BAKED BEANS ON YOUR PEETZA” N screamed. Primal sighed, and he grabbed N by the ear and threw him far, far in to the distance. He landed in front of Parlor Swipple’s castle, which was guarded by Josh Kools. He decided it necessary to swallow the Josh Kool alts whole, which he did. This angered the Gligurrs, which threw baked beans at him. N threw baked beans back, and it eventually became a baked bean throwing battle. This was interrupted by Gladion, who heard the commotion. Gladion rolled his eyes and sent out his silvally, which multi attacked N to the moon. At the moon he found Parlor Swipple who was eating the moon for no particular reason, and they sang Pee Threeler together. They were all happy until a missle fired by the Frocky Whee heads approached the moon, blowing them up, along with the moon. It turns out that wasn’t the moon, it was simply a large baked bean that the lameheads had launched in to space a long time ago. N and Parlor Swipple floated around space, crying because of their broken bones.
The end.
Jan 27, 2021