joly natur isnt good on zacin use qyet natur and moonblast hyper beam solar blad dazzling gleam and oran bery item honestly wat wher u thnking when making tht set it so bad xd
that is stupid ev spred for eterntus use 252 atk and 0 in al other stats use toxic toxic spike snor and dragon danse yur sets are just so aful
replace zekrome whit pichu he is in smash bros wich means he more poplar wich also meanz he better
on gradon i would use fissur hypar beem giga impak and scary face
for kyogr use sher cold dive avalanche buldoz
honestly quit pokmn alredy ur sets bad but anywy for calrex use upror ally swich pound and stomp
answered 13 minutes ago by nonexistent_noob
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