Mega gardevoir doesn’t exist in gen borin-I mean 4, idiot
Use Magikarp instead.
Your igglybuff set is crap incarnate. Replace it with Sunkern for an awesome sweeper.
You ampharos set has as much words spelled correctly as you have brain cells in your head, RMT noob. 2. Use Feebas as a replacement.
Your dragapult reminds me of how awesome it is when a Hurricane is heading towards your area and you can’t escape. Oh wait. That’s totally sucks.
Use Hoppip instead, it’s amazing
ABSOL?!?!?!?!?! OVER UMBREON?!?!?
Use umbreon or I’ll put Parlor Swipple in to your ear.
Your charizard sucks. Use another Hoppip.
Feb 23, 2021