Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Gallade16 (page 4)

Hey, could we collaborate to create a team for series 7? I'll start working on the Metagross right away, and feel free to DM me through Discord. (my tag is in  my profile).
Thanks for the offer too!
Oct 17, 2020 by xx_Mythical
I'm probably late, but congrats on 1k! Also, you say you like Pokémon gimmicks. Well, I happen to the king of gimmick sets, and I'll be posting one gimmick moveset per day on my about me.
Oct 15, 2020 by Kookoonut TM
I'm probably late, but congrats on 1k! Also, you say you like Pokémon gimmicks. Well, I happen to the king of gimmick sets, and I'll be posting one gimmick moveset per day on my about me.
Oct 12, 2020 by -RisingManectric-
Thank you!
Oct 10, 2020 by Amethyst
Grats on 1k!
Oct 7, 2020 by Amethyst
Gallade fans unite
Oct 4, 2020 by A typical glance.
Oh wow, you reached 644? Highest I've ever reached is early master ball. Good luck on 500 and Wolfe!!
Sep 29, 2020 by ~DracoMeteor~
I know, right? Seems I was just at 7k. Good luck hitting 1k!
Sep 28, 2020 by Amethyst
Hi! What is your Showdown! name?
Sep 28, 2020 by Tensa Zangetsu
Oof, sorry you can't come on as often. I've been doing well though, thanks!
Sep 28, 2020 by Amethyst