Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Gallade16 (page 3)

discord is Notsomeone.
Nov 1, 2020 by PossiblySomeone
Yeah you'd better be sorry
Nov 1, 2020 by Pringles
Hey hey hey i'm a cool man how dare you
Nov 1, 2020 by Pringles
Thanks! I thought it fit my name well XD
Nov 1, 2020 by y-chai
Going off of what Fizz said, it's a complete answer that doesn't break any rules, so it doesn't need to be converted to a comment. To be honest if you want to do anything to the answer just downvote it :P
Oct 31, 2020 by y-chai
Eh, I think it's fine where it is. We'll convert to comment when answers are just one-liner or little tidbits of feedback. There's enough in that post for it stay, even if it's a little misguided.
Oct 30, 2020 by Fizz
Hello. Here's another sample team for Gen 8 NU

It's a Hail Team. The team is doing nice, as I'm about to reach 1200+ elo with this team soon for Gen 8 NU.
Oct 30, 2020 by -RisingManectric-
I like the idea of using special Salamence because it gets good special flying STAB now. I also like using sand rush dracozolt with tyranitar, nice with choice band.
Oct 29, 2020 by ~DracoMeteor~
Also congrats on the tour! You have a much better English teacher than me.
Oct 29, 2020 by ~DracoMeteor~
I’m good yeah.

Yeah, series 7 sounds awesome! Glad to use some Pokemon I love like Salamence finally in gen 8. I haven’t seen that video yet, but I’m gonna look as soon as I can. Hope you’re good too.
Oct 29, 2020 by ~DracoMeteor~