Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for FeelsMaster (page 12)

Hey Arca it's muddy! XD we haven't battled for ages. I still haven't got all my competitive team together but I will soon! Will probs see u in chat sometime :)
Aug 23, 2014 by MightyMudkip
Wow I haven't actually posted on your wall yet? Well I can now check that off my Bucket List.
Aug 21, 2014 by Talonflamers
Aug 21, 2014 by Le Scraf
You're welcome! No offense, that was a nightmare to read xD
Aug 21, 2014 by Le Scraf
Hey Arcazeus, thanks for the answer on my question. You're awesomeness is as high as the amount of annoying bidoof i've encounntered in sinnoh. (Yes, that's still positive, and that IS indeed very high :))
Aug 21, 2014 by TheOnlyInfernape
Aug 20, 2014 by a creepy stalker
Finally made it to the first page :D
Aug 19, 2014 by Mosmic Dragoon
Aug 18, 2014 by Jordan_9
Thanks bud!
Aug 14, 2014 by Jordan_9
Because it didn't answer the Q
Aug 13, 2014 by PsychicX1