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User Daemithusnezaio

Member for: 11 years (since Mar 15, 2013)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Boy
Favorite Pokémon: Sawk and Scrafty
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About me: By the way. My Deviant ID is Kalrad. I do Journals, Nuzlocke Stories, and written shtuff.

Info for those who want to know
Name: Daemithus Nezaio
Nickname: Daem

Activity by Daemithusnezaio

Score: 20 points (ranked #998)
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Comments: 2
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Deciding. An all one type team seems like a fail waiting to happen, but the challenge is inevitably inspiring. So there are two types of teams I want above all. An all fighting team, and an all Dragon team. Thanks to X&Y I can now have both, and even better, I can have both without a single one-type of either types. Wootz!
So the rundown is something like this:
Fighting team
Lucario [Steel]
Blaziken [Fire]
Chestnaught [Grass]
Hawlucha [Flying]
Scrafty [Dark]
Toxicroak [Poison]

Dragon Team
Hydreigon [Dark]
Tyrantrum [Rock]
Garchomp [Ground]
Dragalge [Poison]
Noivern [Flying]
Mega Charizard X [Fire]
Nov 14, 2013 by Daemithusnezaio