Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for -RisingManectric- (page 119)

Good luck, you'll make it soon!
Oct 8, 2020 by Amethyst
I think so? Not sure.
Oct 7, 2020 by Amethyst
Nope, but there will be a Hidden Ability Capsule in Crown Tundra, so you can probably get HA fossils then.
Oct 7, 2020 by Amethyst
Oct 6, 2020 by Gau
I dunno, I just felt like I wanted to work physically hard at something. However, I didn't have anything to do.

So I asked my mom if I can do chores sometimes. :3
Oct 6, 2020 by Gau
Nice replay btw
Oct 6, 2020 by Haze
I mostly play balance and bulky offence teams, though I could probably play whichever archetype if I wanted to. I'd like to play more HO (and I do if I'm on a low rated alt), though it's not the strongest archetype right now. (HO is currently starved of good/ fresh teambuilding options too which makes it a bit boring.)
Re Reuniclus: Yeah your answer is better than the ones that were there before. The advice you got is good. They could also have mentioned that if you're going to trick Sticky Barb or Flame Orb, you should just use Clefable instead most of the time.
But since you've given me the invitation to nitpick, I'll go ahead:
* You could mention what Reuniclus' role in the meta actually is (which is to be a stall-resistant CM sweeper, or an offensive pivot on bulky offence teams).
* Tyranitar is special wall itself. You might see some offensive variants on the lower-middle ladder, but it's truthfully not very good in that role while endless checks like Toxapex, Corviknight, Ferrothorn, etc. exist.
* Reuniclus probably makes the most sense on stall teams right now, so you could also mention teammates like Mandibuzz and Tyranitar that enable that archetype and beat some of Reuniclus' offensive checks.
Oct 6, 2020 by Fizz
You're welcome! :)
Oct 6, 2020 by y-chai
Consider swapping Speed/Attack for HP to survive more hits.

0 SpA Diancie Moonblast vs. 232 HP / 0 SpD Tyrantrum: 314-372 (86.5 - 102.4%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO

+3 252+ Atk Tyrantrum Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Diancie: 398-470 (130.9 - 154.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Virizion Close Combat vs. 232 HP / 0 Def Tyrantrum: 264-312 (72.7 - 85.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+2 252+ Atk Tyrantrum Dragon Claw vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Virizion: 358-423 (110.8 - 130.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252+ Atk Metagross Meteor Mash vs. 232 HP / 0 Def Tyrantrum: 288-338 (79.3 - 93.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+2 252+ Atk Tyrantrum Earthquake vs. 76 HP / 0 Def Metagross: 362-428 (113.1 - 133.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Tyrantrum @ Weakness Policy  
Ability: Rock Head  
EVs: 232 HP / 252 Atk / 24 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
- Dragon Dance  
- Dragon Claw  
- Earthquake  
- Head Smash

Oct 6, 2020 by y-chai
Ooooh, nice! I have been soft resetting for shiny Ho-Oh in Heart Gold for my shiny playthrough. I’m at 1965 Soft Resets so far
Oct 6, 2020 by BottomlessSea