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Wall for ~DracoMeteor~ (page 22)

For now
Aug 10, 2020 by Amethyst
Thanks i guess but you sound kind mufed like “why duh i want to be -“ besids i don’t want to be mean but it inly takes maybe 15 minutes to do a full OC. Just a bit of asvice for if you wanba joun another fic simedahy.
Aug 6, 2020 by Dyla N
Thank you.
Aug 3, 2020 by Amethyst
(Early enter) “Dark,ghost any of the typucal pokemon types from there i can do the rest
Aug 3, 2020 by Dyla N
For one thing Ac/Dc isn’t a thing in this world i’m bulding (no iffense) and two you arent gonna be a person you are a pokemon like me i am a Weavile, or Glazio who’s gonna be a Vaporeon etc i guess i can do the rest but i neeed to know what Type you wannna be (dark
Aug 3, 2020 by Dyla N
You still eanna join my gero fic? If so hetes the guidelines
Pokemon (no legends or myths or UBs sorry)
Hero ir villian
Gero/villian firm type
Hero name i.e mines Sun Claw but her guven name is Uzadora.
Hero/villian moves (this is inly if they change moves)
Hero/villian form ablity i think i already said “petsonalty” but def need that XD
Aug 2, 2020 by Dyla N
Personality:Likes to battle, always tells jokes, doesn’t get mad easily
Decidueye(partner)@Decidium Z
•Spirit Shackle
•Brave Bird
•Leaf Blade
•Swords Dance
Chandelure@Life Orb
•Energy Ball
•Fire Blast
•Shadow Ball
•Confuse Ray
Charizard@Charizardite Y
•Heat Wave
•Air Slash
•Solar Beam
Jul 31, 2020 by BottomlessSea

The sunrise embraced the world, covering it with light. The sunrise was bright, displaying colours of bright orange and red across the blazing horizon. Day had risen to stay. But there was something wrong. Rising Northwards, sure, the sun was powerful, but a distant shape could be seen across the South, creating darkness upon the other side of the world. There was silence. People watched open mouthed, staring terrified and curiously at the sun and the moon rise together. The time was 8:00 in Alola. As they watched, they suddenly heard as well. It was an almighty roar, coming from the North, and the sound could be heard throughout the world. Following the roar, a whispering screech was let out from the South, world shaking. Some Alolan people recognised those sounds, whilst others had just heard about them. The Call Of The Sun And Moon.
Jul 31, 2020 by ~DracoMeteor~
Yay cool thanks bro
Jul 31, 2020 by BottomlessSea
So, in my new fanfic idea, a Vaporeon and her friends are living in a world with only Pokemon. To them, humans are made-up or something like that. However, they uncover that humans are real, and that they used to live in the world that the Pokemon lived in. They've been lied to about humans, who died out a long time ago. But in another world, the official Pokemon world, humans still live and thrive, and they decide to go to the other world to see what it's like in the world with humans living side-by-side with Pokemon. I dunno how exactly they'll get to the other world, but I was thinking of Giratina. They're pursued by the Pokemon from their world as well and... have to do... something. I dunno, didn't plan that far in one night. XD

So please tell me what you think, and if you'd like to make an OC for it.
20 minutes ago by Glazio Kawaii
Jul 31, 2020 by Gau