In regard to Speed's answer that shows which tier is which ->Here<-is the DB official tiers (other websites have there own but theses are ours and can be used for making RMT questions)
The tiers are also in the useful questions bar on the right of meta "Official Pokemon Tiers for PokemonDB"
EVs - Effort Values here
IVs - Individual Values here
Clauses - For example Sleep Cause (a rule that you can put on battles so only one Pokemon can be asleep at a time)
Auto Weather or Weather Setter - a Pokemon that can cause weather through ability or move
these are common ability weather setters -
Sun: Ninetales, Vulpix, Groudon
Rain: Politoed, Kyogre
Sand: Hippowdon, Hippopotas Tyranitar
Hail: Snover, Abomasnow
Priority - Moves such as Quick Attack that go first have +1 or more priority here
Lead - A Pokemon you send out first that can use moves or abilities to its advantage such as Politoed
Hax - Basically another word for luck
PP - power points
SS - sandstorm or
SS, HG, P, D, PT, B, W - SoulSilver, HeartGold, Pearl, Diamond, Platinum, Black, White
HP - Health Points
PO - Pokemon Online: the most up to date and life like battle simulater it is highly recommended to any new user-you build your own team, select LV's, items, EVs, IV's, Moves, and then you battle others on servers. here Pokemon online
RMT - Rate My Team
Sweeper - Normally a quick Pokemon such as Gengar or Garchomp that has high Atk or SAtk and can take out a few Pokemon
Wall - A Pokemon with rather good Def and SDef, but not normally good attacking stats (Blissey for example or Umbreon) they usually can recover HP and can set up entery hazards
Staller - A Pokemon that tend to use status moves on the foe and have decent Def/SDef to take out the opponents annoying Pokemon -someone correct me if im wrong (Milotic can be one)
tank - Pokemon that can deal damage and have decent all round defensive stats
annoyer - pokemon thats movest consists of non direct damage moves like leech seed
Entery hazards - Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, Spikes
Spinner - Gets rid of entry hazards (Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, Spikes)
Phazer - Pokemon with Decent Def/SDef that use moves such as Roar, Dragon Tail, Whirlwind, and Circle Throw (which have -6 priority) useful for Pokemon that have set up entry hazards such as Skarmory
F.E.A.R - A strategy involving a LV1 Pokemon, Endeavor, Focus Sash/Sturdy, priority move
Rattata (M) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Guts
EVs: 252 Atk
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Endeavor
- Quick Attack
Mew @ Focus Sash
Trait: Synchronize
EVs: 252 Atk
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Endeavor
- Vacuum Wave/Sucker Punch
Aron (M) @ Shell Bell
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 Atk
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Endeavor
Donphan (M) @ Shell Bell
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 Atk
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Endeavor
- Ice Shard
STAB - SAME TYPE ATTACK BONUS A move of the same type as the move gains 50% boost or becomes 1.5x. For example: Slaking used Slash (Slaking and Slash are Normal and Slash has 70 base power slab activates 70x1.5=105) it becomes 105 base power
For PB-10's sake PB - stands for PB-10 or PEANUT BUTTER :P
From Mew:
PB and J: Refers to:
1. Peanut Butter and Jelly
2. PB-10 and J98 (They are good friend on the site, they make a sandwich.)
I think I covered a few, though some aren't abbreviations.
Just found this :D It has lots of abbreviations, click here.