Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Welcome to the Winter 2024/2025 promotions thread!

Happy New Year, everyone!

It’s been a while since our last promotions, and a lot has changed since then! I’m super excited to announce that we, the staff team, have come together and decided on promotions!
— Keep in mind Editor and Moderator changes aren’t official until Pokemaster recognizes them.


Traditionally, users are automatically promoted to Expert once they reach 6,000 points on the main site, but we also like to promote users before that checkpoint based on exceptional community teamwork, engagement, and efforts. This year, we’d like to give recognition to Mr.Fish, BananaBro, JustATypicalPerson, and Cdijk16! Thank you for all your extraordinary contributions! You've all done amazing this year and years prior, and I’m incredibly excited to see what the future has in store.


This time around, we’d like to offer the title of Editor back to Hellfire Taco. Hellfire Taco has served the site greatly over the years, and the staff team feels he deserves to carry the title of Editor. Congratulations, HT!!!


Last but absolutely not least, we have chosen RisingManectric to be moderator, for the incredible amount of work he’s put into the site since the very beginning. As one of the most active and knowledgeable members of our community, he is the most deserving of the role. Thank you for all your hard work!

…And that’s it for promotions this time! Big congratulations to all our amazing nominees! Let’s all look forward to an amazing 2025 together.

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Congrats on the promotions everyone (especially JustATypicalPerson), and here's hoping to a great 2025!
Waking up to this feels like a fever dream
2025 boutta be hype trust
Congrats to all promoted! Good work
Congrats all!!
Great job!  Don't be like the rest of us and die once you get this lol
Welp time to die-
It is good day to be not dead.
congrats y'all!

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