Meta-PokéBase Q&A
9 votes

One of the purposes of PokeBase is to create a collection of answers that become permanent resources for people in the future. In fact, if you go strictly by the numbers, this is the platform's most important purpose by far -- old questions on PokeBase outperform newer ones in terms of viewership, both historical and current.

This makes sense if you think about it. Old questions have had time to entrench themselves in search engines, and many of them relate to Gen 3-5 games that are popular on emulators. But this line of thinking clearly does not come naturally to our community, as almost all our old/popular questions have been abandoned for years on end.

Amethyst has been doing the good work of updating old questions and combatting the perception of necroposting in this community. But it will take our combined efforts to re-emphasise old questions and reconnect with how the majority of visitors interact with our platform.

My contribution will be this: I wrote a scraper collecting stats on the top-viewed questions on PokeBase and ran it twice, leaving one week in between to observe which of these questions are currently getting the most views. The results are in the answer below.

This isn't an exact science as I stopped the scraper at ~50,000 views (approx page 60), but it still exposes some glaring victims of neglect that we should be tending to. Please feel free to write improved answers for these questions! Experts+ can also just edit the old answer if it needs minor updates.

In the list below, Experts+ can also mark with a Pass each question that has an answer we'd consider satisfactory in 2024+. If this goes well, I'll extend the table beyond the top 100.

i love you for this fizz thank you
i think this is my calling to start necroposting
After an old question gets answered, should moderators select the updated answer so people are more likely to see them?

Also can you run your script again after it's been a month? A few things might change if we have more information.
Yes and yes. You guys are allowed to anoint your own answers a pass as well, we will probably select BAs in step with that.
This would have been my dream back in the day. Oh boy I'm gonna have to start posting again
It's been a month. Did anything change?

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

PokeBase questions with at least 50,000 views, sorted by increase in views between 30 Nov 2024 and 7 Dec 2024, excluding all moveset and in-game team questions

Note, I don't recommend editing the titles of these questions as we don't need to fix what ain't broke.

1Where do you catch Dialga, Palkia or Giratina in Pokemon White?+6,92320122,070,113Pass
2What types in Gen III are Physical and which are Special?+2,4572011823,940Pass
3Where do you find the move Surf in Pokemon Fire Red?+2,0052016272,264Pass
4What are EV reducing berries?+1,7532011736,000Pass
5Where do you catch Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza in Emerald?+1,4342013362,975Pass
6What is the best way to Level Up in HeartGold/SoulSilver?+1,2712012419,958Pass
7Where can you get a Shiny Stone in Platinum?+1,1822013254,055Pass
8What is the fastest way to evolve my Togepi?+1,1642014237,783Pass
9How to obtain all the Gen 4/5 mystery gifts?+1,1542021128,086Pass
10What is the best Nature for each Eeveelution?+1,0722013674,525Pass
11Where can you find a Dusk Stone in X and Y?+1,0562013766,986Pass
12What are the best trolling Pokemon?!+9962013251,660Pass
13What are all the types necessary in a team that is to have coverage over every other type?+9912017134,539Pass
14What are some of the best move combos in Pokemon you have found?+9712010150,202???
15What 'Macho Brace' exactly does to a Pokemon?+9542013187,699Pass
16What is the best nature for Mudkip?+9202019151,692Pass
17What does each flute do?+9092013218,998Pass
18What came first, the anime, the trading cards, or the game?+894201499,871Pass
19Where is the Move Reminder in HeartGold/SoulSilver?+8822011142,407Pass
20Which one is better in Emerald: Mach Bike or Acro Bike?+8632011622,381Pass
21Post-game of Pokemon Black and White?+836201173,452Pass
22What do I do after beating the 5th gym in Emerald? (possible spoilers)?+8272014181,879Pass
23Where to get the Water Stone in HeartGold and SoulSilver?+8232013320,670Pass
24What Pokemon are the best HM slaves in HeartGold/SoulSilver?+8092010559,179Pass
25What are the items that boost Pokemon's accuracy?+7852013257,873Pass
26What is the best Fire type?+7822010162,359???
27What is the best nature for Charizard?+7382013226,913Pass
28Where is a good place to level up my Pokemon before the Elite Four in FireRed?+7362017121,537Pass
29Where is the Pokeflute (or another similar device) in Soulsilver?+7332014165,534Pass
30How do I get HM Strength in Pokemon FireRed?+7302013181,372Pass
31How to make the girl happy in emerald?+7272010230,831Pass
32Is Nidoking or Nidoqueen better?+7162014153,968Pass
33Which Electric type is best for an Emerald playthrough?+716202168,794Pass
34Where can you check a Pokemon's Happiness In HeartGold/SoulSilver?+7032013179,046Pass
35Where do you get Surf in Emerald?+679201377,107Pass
36What is the best Water-type for a Platinum playthrough?+6722010232,892Pass
37How to get through Whirl Islands?+671201099,947Pass
38How do you shiny hunt the starters in Heartgold?+665202249,916Pass
39Where do I get the running shoes in firered/leafgreen?+6502013178,801Pass
40Where can I find all fishing rods in FireRed?+6492011365,595Pass
41What do all of Bianca's friendship phrases mean in Black 2/White 2?+644202174,361Pass
42At what level should I evolve Togepi into Togetic?+6392017112,431Pass
43What level should I use my Moon Stone on my Nidorino in FRLG?+6372019100,514Pass
44What are all the snake-like Pokemon?+6282013122,450???
45How do you get the TM26 Earthquake in Pokemon Platinum?!+6172013179,889Pass
46Where do I get a Fire Stone in Pokemon Black and White 2?+6112012512,459Pass
47How do you get Misty back to her gym in Heartgold?+594201390,003Pass
48Galarian Slowbro or Galarian Slowking?+591202161,280Pass
49What are the best HM slaves for Platinum?+5752020102,534Pass
50Where can I get a Soothe Bell on Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver?+5702010229,550Pass

Next table (#51 - #100)

edited by
Tried to edit this post and about had a seizure looking at the code jeez fizz you're a legend
I looked at the edit log and god, MonkeyBusiness is NOT exaggerating.
2 votes

PokeBase questions with at least 50,000 views, sorted by increase in views between 30 Nov 2024 and 7 Dec 2024, excluding all moveset and in-game team questions

51What level should I evolve my Haunter?+5652012245,033Pass
52What are all the music-themed Pokemon?+556201768,498???
53How do I get to Blackthorn City in HeartGold?+5542013201,232???
54What are all the ways you can raise a Pokemons speed?+5532013185,145???
55Where can I catch a Lapras in HG/SS and how?+553201267,378???
56How to find out a Pokemon's happiness in Black/White 2?+5462012219,820???
57How do I catch Feebas at Mt. Coronet in Platinum?+544201053,128???
58What type combination would lead to a Pokemon with no weakness?+5402015112,056???
59Where can you get a Fire Stone in HeartGold?+5312010245,657???
60Where are TMs Ice Beam and Earthquake in Pokemon FireRed?+5302013251,415???
61Where can I get a Shiny Stone in HeartGold/SoulSilver?+5282010318,741???
62What are some good defensive, tank and stall Pokémon for competitive play?+5262013234,846???
63How do you evolve Eevee into Espeon or Umbreon in FireRed/LeafGreen?+5262012131,268???
64What move types have multi-hit attacks (2-5 attacks)?+526201159,830???
65Is there a Pokemon that is Ghost+Dark type? Do I need to catch a Ghost+Dark type to defeat Shauntal?+519201284,446???
66What are all the rodent-based Pokemon?+514201394,101???
67Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan in red?+5102013190,331???
68What is the Flame Orb useful for?+5102012157,128???
69How to evolve Buneary into Lopunny faster?+509201383,955???
70Which legendary Pokémon are shiny locked in USUM and which are not?+5032017238,362???
71How many steps does one have to take to reach Max Happiness starting at base 0?+503201891,994???
72I need shiny hunting strategies for Pokemon Emerald?+499201974,817???
73When should I evolve my Pikachu into Raichu?+4982013221,334???
74Where can I find a Shiny Stone in X/Y?+4952014261,756???
75What can I do in diamond after I beat the elite four?+4912013184,781???
76Where is the move deleter in Platinum?+4892010123,758???
77Where is the razor claw in pokemon platinum?+484201075,226???
78Is there a way to delete my previous save file in Pokemon Black without deleting my current progress?+480201863,363???
79Where do you get Rock Smash in X and Y?+4762013683,274???
80How do I get a bagon in Emerald?+4752011139,878???
81What are all the moves that prevent fleeing/switching?+4702014117,977???
82What are all the commands in Pokemon Showdown?+4582015195,494???
83Is there a way to change Rotom's form in Platinum?+4572012134,732???
84What does it mean when Goldenrod's friendship checker says my Pokemon "is quite cute"?+4572012105,969???
85What are all the abilities that grant immunities?+447201457,690???
86Where can I check my Pokemon's happiness level in Platinum?+4452015188,627???
87How to raise happiness in pokemon soul silver?+4412012129,367???
88What are the names of the berries that weaken super effective moves?+4392012136,820Pass
89What are the correct answers for the Dragon Master in the Dragon's Den?+4342010100,495???
90Which Eevee Evolution is the strongest?+4292010837,307???
91What is catch rate of all pokeballs?+4292012128,514???
92What are some good Sweeping Pokemon??+4292013119,562Pass
93What Pokemon has the most weaknesses and the most resistances?+4202014167,906???
94Which is better: Lunala or Solgaleo?+420201760,557???
95What nature works best for a special Greninja?+4162015102,830???
96Out of all the fully evolved starter Pokemon, which Pokemon have highest and lowest stats?+413201377,731???
97Where can the various evolution stones be obtained in Pokemon Soulsilver?+4122014103,807???
98How do I make my Pokemon happy enough to evolve?+4082010312,878???
99Where is the Heart Scale in Soul Silver?+4082010165,217???
100How do you get Regirock, Regice and Registeel in ORAS?+4052014315,211???
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