Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I was exploring the website until I decided to open the item section and while I was scrolling I found some pictures and data missing is it some lag or did someone hack the website I don't know what's going on here please help and tell me what's going on

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This website is run by one person, and it's probably because he never put the information there in the first place.
Also that's a path to a file on your computer, not an URL. We can't see the file when we don't have your computer.
you do's not a good idea to post a link to a file on your computer when it leaks your real name, right?
I removed the link, here is how to correctly post images:

1 Answer

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The item section is incomplete, as stated in the top level page for the section.

This website is run by one person who hasn't had time to keep all parts of the site updated. Until it's updated, you can use a different website with similar data e.g. Serebii's itemdex.
