Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

It would be nice to be able to see the number of Pokemon that learn each move on the Attackdex page (

The information exists (at least for current generation?) since obviously you can get a list of Pokemon that learn each move by clicking on it, or by using the moveset searcher. But there's currently nowhere that I can just view every move's distribution in a sortable, filterable table.

Would it be the MOST necessary tool for building teams? Probably not. I personally like to look for relatively-unique moves & abilities to see if I can build a team around an oddball pick, but I get how that's not everyone's thing.

But after all, the abilities page already has this feature (, letting me look for abilities that are only on a handful of evolution lines, so why not the moves? And besides, info like "what's the most common electric type move" could be fun to have available for trivia games.

I just think it'd be neat!


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