Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

Matrix and directed graph being homeomorphic by mathematical nature, I thought that maybe my directed graph could be a contribution to the site to the this site's page

The source SVG/PNG result is here
nice pic
The source code (graphviz) with colour that are too approximate to not be reworked is here

Addendum (upon suggestion) I admit it takes a little bit of time of training to not be annoyed when edges are crossing. But when they are not (example the case of pokedex strength/vulnerability for a pokemon), it might be easier to read ex with GROWLITH (fire)

I did a proof of concept for GROWLITH

(annoying legal part : I -jul- hereby grant anyone all rights including copying, using, redistributing, modifying on the original code except claiming it's theirs' (aka BSD 2 clauses licence or WTFPL2.0))

edited by
Tables are easier to read than this graph.
Again, the addendum doesn't really make it any easier to read. It also has information that isn't necessarily true, as it's fire type moves that deal 2x damage to those types. Maybe nitpicky but I think it doesn't really make sense when Growlithe can learn moves of many types. I think a table makes a LOT more sense here.

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