Meta-PokéBase Q&A
10 votes

It fainted a while ago and hasn't been taken to the Pokémon Center. :P

Nah for real though, I and a few other people used to show up there pretty regularly, and while the main site chat room has gotten a ton more popular since I was last active enough here to show up on the DB Showdown! server, that server has also been down for about a year or so according to past DB tournament threads.

While not necessary, we also have a few people in the community who could do more for DB Showdown! if it were brought back up (though not obligated to). I know Fizz expressed interest in just being able to mess around with the font on the server, but other tasks such as making custom formats that people want Cough DB Super Staff Bros Cough, which not only makes out server more unique compared to the dozens of other Showdown! servers out there, but it might also increase interest in it and in those formats. And, while the Dragon Heaven Server can be a format mess at times, they have git for the server publicly up on Github, so that could even be something PM could look into if people wanted to help out the server in such ways. And it might motivate me to continue Hoeen Hero's JS/NodeJS course.

There's not much else to discuss about it really; the server is down, will it be brought back up? And can we do cool things for it?

I guess maybe I'm a little butt hurt about a place I liked disappearing without much of a hoopla. I wanted to write this for over two months, but just didn't feel like there was anyone else who cared. Still, I hope it's even worth bringing back at this point (I have no clue how hard or easy that may be). I miss it.

I asked Pokemaster about this (among other things) multiple times last year but didn't hear back. He might not read his info@ mailbox anymore.
i miss my fwends
Question about this, can’t we technically get someone who is a coder, then make a new server after getting permission from Smogon and use that?
making and getting a server up isn't hard. Maintaining one, fixing bugs and paying for hosting is a fair bit harder andvmore costly and time consuming.
How much money does Smogon charge?

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