Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

Reasons for:
- Stadium entries are distinct from other Gen I entries
- Helps to complete a Pokemon's data
- Bulbapedia thinks they're important enough to include

Reasons against:
- Stadium 2 entries aren't original
- Not main series games
- Unnecessary for most players
- May take a while to implement all entries

I think the pros outweigh the cons. A site that calls itself the Pokemon Database should probably have all relevant Pokedex data, and the Stadium games definitely fit that bill.

How are Stadium entries any more pointless than the other entries? Or do you want to remove all Pokedex entries from this site?
@Polteageist do you think the other Pokedex entries are equally pointless? If so, you should probably make a post suggesting to remove them from the site. If not, why do you think the Stadium ones should be the exception?
omg no guyss we can't delete all pokedex entries. gosh. and i thought this was a mons site

While I understand your point, I have concerns about deleting all Pokedex entries. Adding new entries is one thing, but deleting everything is different.
Stadium entries are irrelevant to most people. They're borderline pointless. They aren’t a part of the main series. Stadium has lost its appeal. It was done to bring battles to the 3D, but they’re all 3D now. A Pokemon's data isn't incomplete without Stadium entries.
On the other hand, Bulbapedia has every bit of information, relevant or irrelevant. Using that argument, we should keep increasing whatever we have on every Pokemon to help complete data. Pokedex entries may be deemed more critical than trivia, but if they haven’t been added yet, they may not be in the future.
I mean why not? This is the Pokemon DATABASE after all, and it's always frustrated me that we don't have nearly the amount of data Bulbapedia does. With a team of a few guys, I feel like we could add a bunch of important information, (like percentages of any kind on ability, item, and move pages,) including stuff like this.
not sure about this one, but i think colisseum has dex entries too, maybe add those as well?
I think the main reason this hasn't been done is the dex pages are intended to focus on main series games only.

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