Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

Hello one and all, and welcome to my TedTalk. This time, I would like to talk about something I think would be convenient and just make the site a tiny bit better. This would be to add links on one Pokemon's pages that link to another.

As you can see here (, we have a link to the Tyranitar of the present. But if we go here (, we can't go to Iron Thorns. Bulbapedia has already done this, as shown here (émon)).

Regional Fakes
I think that the regional fakes deserve a link to their respective pages as much as the Paradox Pokemon do. As we see here (, there is no way to get to Toedscool's page quickly. This is also the case for Wigglet/Digglet, Wugtrio/Dugtrio, and Toedscruel/Tentacruel.

Something I would appreciate is if when someone goes to a Pokemon's Gen 7 learnset, there is a spot for any signature Z-Moves.

(Edit: Signature G-Max moves should also be included)

This change is purely for convenience, and I don't think anyone would oppose this. If you have any other suggestions on what to link to something else, let me know.


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maybe also adding a separate section for signature moves in the same vein as z-moves
I don't see the point of adding a separate section for any type of signature move. Maybe a mark, but they're just normal moves that only one/a few Pokemon can learn. It also says which moves are signature on the move's page. Reminder that this site is almost exclusively for information relevant and useful to the games, and knowing which moves are signature and which aren't isn't really that important to the games. I think it would just take up unnecessary space on Pokedex pages.

1 Answer

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Good suggestions! I had a few minutes spare so I went through and updated each of the Pokemon to mention their related paradox/convergent species.

Not sure how easy it will be to add signature move information on those pages since they are auto-generated from the database. But I can probably add it to the main Pokedex pages.

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