Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes

Basically, I’m currently playing ORAS and I’m dealing with a whole lot of hackers in the GTS and Wonder Trade. What if this site had a question thread where a user could post a picture and description of a known profile of someone hacking shinies or 6IV Pokémon, so on and so forth? It would have to include these points:
- Name/OT
- Example of hacked Pokémon (the hacker is asking for a Zubat and giving a level 100 shiny Hariyama, for example)
- Date
- Specific game
- What trading system (GTS, Wonder Trade, etc.)

I actually think this isn't a bad idea. Except for the example and date part, as those things change constantly
I really don't think this would end up being worthwhile. Generally on the GTS, you can tell when something is hacked, nobody's going to offer a legitimate rare Pokemon for something easy to get. And if you're scared of hacked Pokemon, just don't use wonder trade. There would be way too many to document and because of that I don't think it'd be super useful other than to tell people about the super well known ones that you can probably already find on lists elsewhere
Yeah, and many are easily identifiable with something weird like “.com” in the OT’s name. While shiny 6-IV Pokémon aren’t impossible, it’s immensely unlikely to find someone willing to trade one to you via wonder trade or GTS.
And for Pokémon from some of the games, especially the older ones, there are programs that determine whether a Pokémon was hacked in or not due to the unique way a pokemon’s Rng interacts with a trainer’s SID and TID values, depending on encounter method. :P
This could potentially become a sub thread to the Is My Pokemon Hacked thread?
the date can definitely be taken out, I think the example should stay to have something that people can compare to. this thread or sub-thread would mostly be geared towards in-game players, specifically people like me looking to fill their pokedexes 5-10 years after release.
It doesn't have to be geared towards specific people it can just list known hackers

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