Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

It's that time of year again! Signups are now open for the next PokeBase tournament, featuring Smogon's most popular singles format: Generation 8 OverUsed. If you have any ideas for future tournaments, check out the tournament suggestions thread.


The PokeBase Showdown server is currently down, so use the main one until further notice.

Tournament Structure

  • Double elimination with randomized matchups every round. A bracket may be posted for clarification, but it won't represent matchups for the rest of the tour, only that round.
  • Matchups are played in best of 1
  • Winners and losers brackets will take place simultaneously and rounds will last about a week
  • In the event of the number of participants being a number other than 2, 4, 8, 16, 32... byes will be given randomly to players in the earlier rounds
  • Players can agree to restart matches within reason
  • After a battle, someone must save the replay and comment it under this post's selected answer

Cheating in any way, such as advising players during matches, is strictly prohibited and may prevent you from joining future PokeBase tournaments.

Before signing up, make sure you read the guidelines for playing in tournaments! Anything said in the guidelines that I didn't mention in this post applies.

Signing Up

To sign up, please put your Showdown! username, timezone, and availability. For example:

EDT (UTC -4)
Available 3:30-10:30 PM on weekdays, 10:30 AM-10:30 PM on weekends

Signups will close Friday, October 21st and the tournament will begin shortly after.

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Are we going to do a seeded bracket? I don’t really care either way but there’s not a lot of people thus far, so it might be interesting? IDK :P
Technically we could do seeding cuz our usernames show our OU Elo, but some people don’t really ladder OU too much and it might not be fair to rank them by their Elo.
Why not rank them by the number of times they've won a DB tour in the past?
Runs into the same problem where some people might have just entered less tournaments than one another. Since OU is such a popular category, if I do decide to seed the tournament I’ll base it off of Elo.
I’ll do random matchups each round but with the requirement that it’s not exceptionally unbalanced based on the elo’s of competitors

7 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

The Gen 8 OU tournament has concluded and the results are in:

  1. PsyKlone

  2. Master Mirror

  3. tester

  4. Staka~

  5. Blazikenmask 85, An Asocial Moth

Grand Finals

Winners Finals

Winners Round 2

Winners Round 1

Losers Finals

Losers Round 2

Losers Round 1

Thank you and congratulations to everyone who participated. With Gen 8 almost behind us as we await Scarlet and Violet, I hope you all had a nice close to this generation as I did. And remember that the tournament ending doesn’t mean the battles have to end, me and many others would be happy to arrange casual Showdown matches on our walls or on Discord.

The next tournament will take place in Winter, a month or two from now. If you are interested, leave a comment on this thread volunteering to host. You do not need any special roles to be eligible for hosting, just wait for sumwun or one of the moderators to give permission. Make sure to check out the hosting guide if you are selected to host.

This was a really well-run tour. Well done.
Um, it's kind of not classy to win your own tournament.... Jk good job hopefully next time more people will join
Lmao thanks yall, it was my pleasure
Bro won his own tournament good job though
I can host the next tour if everyone is unopposed to that. Poll would go live on the 7th.
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EST (UTC -5)
Available 3:30-10:30 PM on weekdays, 10:30 AM-10:30 PM on weekends

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Trippy Soup
Available Any Time Wednesdays and Thursdays, all other days vary but for the most part before 4:00 PM

Good Luck, Have Fun, please no stall I’m too washed to deal with it :P

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A Geeky Jawa
GMT+8 / UTC+8
Usually available 10 AM to 10PM in my timezone on Fridays to Sundays. On weekdays, it depends but if I don't have schoolwork I'll need to do then I can make time for 7PM to 10PM.

Tomorrow afternoon good? Busy today
Your afternoon or my afternoon? Because EDT afternoon is like midnight to 6 AM in my time. Actually I think I might be able to make it for my midnight tonight/your noon tomorrow, if that's alright.
My bad I was thinking directly after noon for me
That should be like 12 PM for me and 4 PM for you though I'd need to get home first
If your time is EDT, then we should have a 12 hour difference since your ahead by since EDT is behind UTC by four hours while my time is ahead of UTC by 8 hours. 12 PM for you should be 12 AM for me. I'm willing to wait for that though, but not after 1.
Oh so I converted the times wrong
You might not need to wait till midnight tho because there's a delay with my plans
We can prolly do it now
Ok scratch that you'll have to wait
That's alright
Ok so I just got a bit of a break I wasn't really expecting
We can probably go now
0 votes

I'm avaliable on afternoons Monday-Saturday and free Sunday

I'm free until 14:00ish today my time (GMT+1) but IDK if that's too early for you
I'm free from now until 22:00ish my time today
I'm free 18:00 onwards today my time if that works for you, or tomorrow afternoon would work as well
I forgot this was going on my bad
If you're ready we can go now but tomorrow afternoon is also fine
This afternoon about 14:00 your time good for you?
Yeah that's fine
Want to go now?
Yeah im ready
Hey there. Is your timezone Eastern Time? If it is, I am about 13 hours ahead of you
My bad
And yeah I'm est
I should be able to go at 9 am tomorrow which should be 22 for you though I can't be 100% sure
That's good for me. I can play during that time
Alr I'm ready rn
Send me a challenge on showdown. My user is Unkindnesssss
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Even though this games rng makes me wanna go see a therapist, what the hell. Might as well give this thing a shot

GMT +8
Usually at 21:00-22:00

It's not uncommon for the electricity to go out because I don't exactly live in the best parts of my country. Dunno if that means I can't join but just gonna point this out ahead of time

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Hey, I can definitely be on 21:00-22:00 your time on Saturday and Sunday. Any other times that would work for you?
Just those hours that are guaranteed. I can't really be sure in the morning or afternoon during mondays-saturdays because I might have class and anything earlier than 21:00 I would be doing some house stuff
Overslept a bit. Still down for today? I’m ready whenever you are
Yeah, I am. Just say what time. Also, let's continue this conversation on our walls
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Blazikenmask 85
Availability: available 22nd to the 30th 11:00-21:00 (preferably 17:00-20:00). Unavailable on the 23rd. 31st onwards available 18:30-21:00. (But will be at GMT then, not GMT +1)

Not the most experienced Gen8 player, but let's see...

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When do you want to battle? I'm not available for the rest of today, but could probably do any other day in my availability. :P
19:00 my time today?
Assuming that is 2:00PM in EDT (because I am bad at timezones), that should be fine. :P
1 PM for you I think. The clocks have gone back so I'm at GMT now. Should've changed my answer sorry...
But 14:00 your time is still good for me
Want to go now?
sorry i got tied up with some stuff suddenly yesterday. I'll hang on Showdown! for the next few hours so if you see me on feel free to send a challenge. :P