Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

Another privilege you can add is that high point users can pick best answers. If the best answer isn't actually the best answer, they could change it. You can obviously pick how many points because if you let anybody you would have "best answers" changing all the time.

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mods/others can do this already... and i have to ask this to fear: how do you feel about the gravatar he is using?
The Editors and Pokemaster can pick best answers, Experts used to be able to but Pokemaster decided that the regular people should choose for themselves.
What is wrong with my new gravatar?  It is just a Blaziken in fire.  If you think you see something else than look at the zoomed in image on my account page.
i know, but fear once used it.
Maybe I kind find a cooler one?
I couldnt find a better one.  So I made it green.

1 Answer

1 vote

Basically what speed freak said:

The Editors and Pokemaster can pick best answers, Experts used to be able to but Pokemaster decided that the regular people should choose for themselves.

In your profile you can see all the questions you asked so you can go back and choose best answers later if you like.

All of these suggestions should go into its own page.  Their not really questions and some dont need to be open to other users voting.