Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

On the page pokemon evolution charts the galar dex is all out of order. (for example the Swovet line is after the Blipibug and Rookidee line as opposed to it's proper place after the Sobble line) (Gossifleur, Sizzlipide, Milcery ect. You can look for yourself but it's a mess)
The sprites are also broken for several pokemon on this page (Hatena line, Galarian corsula line, Impidimp line, Urshifu single strike, and own tempo rockruff)

Is there any way that this could be fixed?

Edit: As far as the sprites go it seems my webpage was loaded weird but own tempo rockruff is still broken

edited by
Only Own Tempo Rockruff's sprite is broken, the others seem perfectly fine.
its Hard to complete the dex cos if this so plz change this :(

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