Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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(Okay so I didn't put this in Pokebase since it has to do with the site and I didn't put this in the Errors thread because I don't think this is an error but let me know if this is in the wrong section.)

I noticed that when I go to sprites for Gen 7 Pokemon (like Kommo-o), they have sprites for Gen 6 Bank. This seems to be the case for all of them but I haven't gone through every single mon. As for certain Gen 8 Pokemon (like Falinks), specifically ones that show up in Pokemon Go, they have sprites for Pokemon Go, but it shows up under Gen 6 (the Gen 6 Go thing also happens with Gen 7 Pokemon). So are Bank and Go specifically categorized as Gen 6, is this a thing to make organizing sprites easier, or is there another reason for this?


2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

It's mainly due to technical restrictions. To display sprites in the sprites section, they must be tied to a particular game, which in turn is tied to a generation. Bank & Go are set up as games in our database (even though Bank isn't an actual game) and were set to Gen 6 since that's when they came out. In reality Bank spans gen 6-7 and Go is just an ongoing game.

As I've been updating Go sprites quite regularly it's started to annoy me recently, so at some point I will try and find a workaround to put those in their own section.

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Pokémon GO is categorised as Gen 6

GO was released in July 2016, four months before Sun/Moon, i.e. Gen 7, was released. This technically makes Pokémon GO to be considered Gen 6, and the same goes for PokéBank. PokéBank was introduced in 2014 (Gen 6 era), which leads it to be considered Gen 6 again.

The Gen 7/8 Pokémon have their GO and Bank sprites listed under Gen 6 because of this reason.

Ah I see. Thanks.