It may not be common knowledge yet, but Let’s Go Johto has been confirmed by the Japanese magazine CoroCoro! We don’t have all the details yet, but because PM hasn’t updated the site with new information yet, I figured I’d post what we do know here. All this comes from CoroCoro and recent Game Freak interviews.
- Updated graphics. Judging by the images displayed in the magazine, the Let’s Go games will be using the Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl engine, and will have a similar chibi style to them.
- There’s an illustration of Falkner standing next to a Hoothoot on page 19 of the latest CoroCoro issue. The significance of this, if any, is so far unknown, but it could implicate revised teams for important trainers. Falkner never had a Hoothoot in Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, or SoulSilver.
- In the same vein as the Falkner image, it’s possible to see what looks to be artwork of Karen with a Pokemon next to her. Most of it seems to be intentionally cut off by the end of the frame, but looking closely, you can make out a red-furred mass. While we don’t know anything for certain yet, it’s very possible that this mystery Pokemon is a Zoroark, which could mean an expanded regional Pokedex with Pokemon that weren’t in Johto games before.
- In a recent Japanese interview with Junichi Masuda, head of Pokemon, he stated that they were keeping their secrets on the games for now, but “major overhauls to levels and quality of life” could be expected.
There are still many unconfirmed details about Let’s Go Johto – to be expected, with how recently they were teased in a Japanese-only magazine. Here’s a few things we still don’t know:
- It’s unconfirmed how many versions of the game there will be, and who the mascots will be (if any). Speculation by fans on mascots was acknowledged by Masuda, who said, “We appreciate all the unique thoughts that players have come up with. Sadly, as this is Johto, nothing outside the region is being considered – you’ll have to wait a while if you want Riolu as a game mascot!”
- Catching mechanics are unknown, but one can assume they’ll be about the same as they were in the original Let’s Go games. Experience and levels are similarly murky, especially with Masuda stating they’re changing level mechanics.
- We still don’t know if there will be evolutions or alternate forms from later generations (and if so, if you’re able to get them until the postgame) like Gliscor or Galarian Corsola.
I’ve saved (in my opinion) the best for last. Also within the CoroCoro magazine, there were a few pictures of unfamiliar Pokemon (on pages 17 and 18). Based on appearances, one may theorize that the first is related to Girafarig, while the second bears similarities to Sunflora. This is hugely exciting because they could be add-ons to existing evolutionary lines – the first time that’s happened since Generation 6 (unless you count Hisui)! I’ve found an artist’s renditions (these are concepts of what was shown in the magazine, not official art!) based on what’s displayed in the magazine and decided to link them here (with all credit given to the artist, whose username is “Dasuma”).
Possible Girafarig relation

Possible Sunflora relation

…And that’s all the info I have. Hopefully we get more details (preferably in English :P) about these games soon, as they look pretty fun based on what we know. It may not sound very credible because I didn’t post any magazine pictures, but you’ll have to be patient. I regret not being able to show CoroCoro screenshots, but there’s strict policies in Japan and the US on sharing unapproved information with a foreign audience. Hopefully they get cleared sometime soon, so I’ll have some concrete proof.
With that said, PM, would you mind updating the website with a placeholder for the Johto games? If you don’t believe me on this, you can find proof on the Internet if you dig deep enough, so I think it warrants its own page. Thanks!