Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Just wondering if there was some kind of discussion about strategies happening here.

I've found one-two articles, but they were mainly Questions leading to entire threads. I was hoping for a kind of "Experts Forum Discussion" where various strategy discussions were taking place (ie new team combos, gimmick strategies, monotype team discussions, etc.).

I dont have many places to turn to for Pokemon strategies so I just create my own. If there was a way to share strategies and gimmicks, that would be nice. So far I've seen "Rate My Team" which... is pretty lame, imo. I want to know what actual good players are saying, or at least a real discussion about the Meta.

I dont like (in sword/shield) how Zacian is maximum OP and that you need a Quagsire to counter it. Quagsire is lame, I dont want it on my team. Nobody is talking about how cheat it is and how it outspeeds and OHKOs almost everything.


1 Answer

0 votes

PokeBase isn't a discussion forum, so you won't find exactly what you're looking for here. However, if you had a particular question about the meta in a certain format, you could post that here. You could ask things like "how to counter x in y format", etc. Just bear in mind the rules (especially 1.7) -- in general, questions here should be "solvable" and not answered endlessly.

If that doesn't satisfy you, there are metagame discussion threads for every battle format on Smogon. You can go to their forums and read discussion there. Bear in mind they will probably not enjoy an attitude like "x Pokemon is cheat etc".
