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It's about time for a mixup, and with a new Scyther evolution, I think it would be a perfect fit.

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Scizor is pretty classic in my opinion. And it looks nice on the banner too.
Mate, you're trying to replace one of the community's most loved classic beasts into a pathetic Gen 8 critter.

I also remember reading that the Scizor has something to do with Pokemaster's preferences but I forgot what is was.
Edit: Found it:
Apparently Pokemaster has a soft spot for Scizor.
I don't think Kleavor would work very well, either. The banner is black, and Kleavor is mostly brown. I don't think that it'd look very good.
I’m down for a change, however like others said, it’ll need to be entirely revamped to work. Pm hid my last post about changing the banner so idk if he’s willing
Well, before Scizor, it was Scyther so I thought it would make sense
I disagree, it’s better as it is
Since people will want Scizor to stick around, what if we replace the Zeraora on the banner instead?

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