Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Should be pretty self-explanatory. A few BDSP tiers (i.e BDSP OU and BDSP Doubles OU) are currently being explored since they are new formats on Showdown that started like a week ago. So, are allowed to post movesets for BDSP tiers on moveset threads?


1 Answer

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Yes, they're allowed.

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Ok. Thanks.
What about tiers that are still unofficial and unannounced, like BDSP AG?
Eh... if the format flat out doesn't exist, I'd personally hold off. But if you want to post sets for a theoretical BDSP AG, then you can -- we allow sets that don't have a format at all so we can't be choosy.
Ah I see, thanks. Won't be posting anything for now, will wait for the tier to be officially announced.