Meta-PokéBase Q&A
14 votes

I've actually had this idea for a while but I didn't get the motivation to do it until recent discussion about the unanswered list popped up. But back to the list itself, I've compiled all currently unanswered questions into one document, then sorted them. You can find it here.

There are two sheets, one sorted for a certain skill and the other sorted by media (game, tcg, etc.). The idea is that if you want to help clean the unanswered list, you can simplify your search by what you specialize in and not have to look through every question skipping everything until you reach the last page, and also so that we can summarize what our weaknesses in the Pokebase are.

I'm going to go over the categories for the skills column:
- Expertise: These are questions asking for advice for a certain thing that people with a lot of experience or skill in that certain thing should answer.
- List: Those questions asking for things that people with a lot of free time can answer.
- Lore: People good with lore or good at making logic answers should answer these ones.
- Misc: This means I don't know where to put them.
- Problem Solving: These questions gives scenarios and ask for the answer. I put the Random Battle question here instead of technical because this is more of a math problem.
- Statistics: Number related. I'm gonna think about this if it should just be on List.
- Technical: Requires technical knowledge of the game, often requiring datamining. Questions that go here are things like shiny odds or glitches, and are subdivided accordingly. Technical-Probability is our most common unanswered question. Does anyone know how to datamine or know someone who does so we can have them swept?
- Troubleshooting: Similar to the previous one but more practical, questions that give a strange scenarios or glitches and needs explanation or a fix.

Honestly the categories aren't perfect and I'm still going to edit them over time. There are questions that were hard to decide which to fit them in, and some categories that are probably useless. However I'm sure that the way it currently is will be useful enough. Still, it would be nice if yall can give feedback on them. If this actually becomes useful I'll also be updating this further for future unanswered questions that last over, a week? Two maybe? Or perhaps I should just do it on a monthly interval? I'll also get around to adding unresolved questions with answers sometime.

Last things, comments are open for the document. Never actually used them myself, but if yall have some feedback you'd want to put on the file itself you're welcome to use it. Also this was an excel file. Not sure if there would be any problems if I used that instead of directly making a google sheets file, but oh well.

Update: I've moved all resolved or hidden questions down to the bottom of the list so that they don't complicate the main list. Also, if you use this list to resolve a question, please contact me through Discord or my wall (I would ask to comment directly on the google sheet but I don't know if it lets you do so without showing your email and name), so I don't have to periodically go through the entire list. Contact me as well if you find an old question with no good answer that isn't in yet so I can add it. I think for now what I'll determine as old is at least two weeks.

edited by
The shiny sparkles question on Swsh I answered.
@sumwun Its both.
@GmaxWaluigi Noted.
If I get the time I might answer some questions in the TCG, Mystery Dungeon, and Conquest sections. :P
Those would be such a help to this

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