Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

And before you go and say "Technical Machine, duh." that's not what I was talking about, I'm talking about a number of usernames that have TM in superscript after their name, is this a literal reference to TM's or is it something else, for example I saw one in the name change thing in the Meta, go from Thunder ClapperTM(pretend that's in superscript, I don't know how you put it in superscript.) to just Thunder Clapper. Please explain what TM means in this sense. Thanks so much! I moved this q from the Pokebase to the Meta

reopened by
“I'm talking about a number of usernames that have TM in superscript after their name, is this a literal reference to TM's or is it something else”
Alright, I'll reopen it. My apologies for misunderstanding.
And side note, you put tm by holding alt and pressing 0153 on the numpad
Okay, thanks.
This is probably half of what you're looking for, at least:

1 Answer

4 votes
Best answer

I am the leader of the TM gang. I am so glad you asked this question.

The TM gang was created by PX herself memeing, she just thought it was neat. Then CC and I copied, and we became the TM gang. EvilTwinNeedle was also a TM at one point, but I don't know much behind his beginning to the TMs, and he wasn't in the og TM gang. It was kinda a big joke on the site last year; we were the big, cool, scary, and gay TM gang. We use the emoji to get it small. By last name changes, in October, half the database was like “omg cool I wanna join the TM gang”, purely because it was just a fun and easy trend to hop on. PX and CC left the Tm gang because of all the new members, as it wasn’t unique anymore. I am the last original member remaining.

It doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a trend lmao, it’ll probably die out soon. I plan on keeping PX’s legacy alive.

Hope this helps!

edited by
Isn't TM also like "Trade Marked"?
How many ™ users are there now?
Hey, I was the first one to copy PX on my EvilTwinNeedleTM account. It's all good though lol
true true but i dont think you were considered to be apart of the tm gang, edited to mention you though :P sorry