Meta-PokéBase Q&A
13 votes

Some moves, items, abilities, Pokemon, etc. have non-alphabetical characters in their names, and it can be pretty annoying when using the search bar. Typing "double edge" will not show the move "double-edge" because it has a hyphen in it. Same thing applies to Pokemon like Farfetch'd, Hakamo-o, and Ho-oh. It's pretty minor, but I've found it to be a bit annoying in some situations.

Hmm good point, will look into it. Although in some of your examples you don't need to type the whole name, e.g. you only need to type "hak" to get Hakamo-o as the only option.
I believe that's the case for a lot of these, however, depending on how fast you type, you may completely miss what you're looking for when you, for example, type "double " because there is a space instead of a hyphen, which is what happened to me to make me want to suggest this in the first place.

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