Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Although Pokebase is objectively the best place for quick Pokemon-related questions, many site features don't make sense. One of Pokebase's appeals is that it contains a moveset thread for every evolutionary line, as well as having multiple in-game team threads. In my personal opinion, as someone who frequents these threads, there has to be a proper place to view all of these threads. Other users and I believe the best place to put these threads would be in the "All Activity" page, in which these sub-categories would be pinned to the top of the page, allowing you to browse through any moveset page without having to try to find them through Pokebase's somewhat archaic search system. The search system is somewhat underdeveloped. The search system pulls up keywords from comments, questions, and answers. An example would be, you look up Chatot in the search query, it will pull up any questions, answers, or comments that have the word Chatot in them. Tags do not fix this problem. Tags are primarily used as classification, such as #competitive, #national-dex, #suggestion, #moves, etc. Even with a tag system, there still needs to be a proper search query. Other forum sites like pull down a dropbox that lets you choose if you want to look up titles only, or if you want to also search through comments. Pokebase should also adopt this type of search query, letting you choose if you want to search through questions, answers, comments, or users. I and some others believe these changes could help make Pokebase more user-friendly, but in the end, it's PokeMaster's choice in making site layout changes.


1 Answer

2 votes

One of Pokebase's appeals is that it contains a moveset thread for every evolutionary line, as well as having multiple in-game team threads. In my personal opinion, as someone who frequents these threads, there has to be a proper place to view all of these threads.

Pokebase should also adopt this type of search query, letting you choose if you want to search through questions, answers, comments, or users.

Good idea (though it has been suggested many times and Pokemaster is definitely aware of it). For the time being, try using filtered searches on Google (though it won't do everything you asked for).

  • chatot to get only results from PokeBase that relate to Chatot.
  • fizz to get only PokeBase user pages with 'fizz' in them.
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I have another suggestion (I dunno this should be a separate question or not), could you extend msq and igtq to moveset-question and in-game-team-question or something similar? I am thinking about it because many of the new users don't know about these short forms of tags...
Making the tags look abstract was actually a deliberate choice. It makes sure that people don't add the tag to their question without knowing what it's supposed to be for -- 'moveset-question' just sounds general-purpose.
How about good-moveset?
yay someone linked to my stuff
@Staraptor People still might add "good-moveset" tags to questions that aren't the "official" moveset thread.
hmm okay.