Meta-PokéBase Q&A
7 votes

Like, what if we had a collection of links to other pages on this site somewhere, so that other users can edit or update or post new answers as needed? Like if i found a post that was old, but I didn't know the new answer, I could just be like "hey guys this question is from like 2012 can someone update it" and post the link, and other users who want to point grind can be like "hey I'll update that"

I think this would be handy because I'm constantly finding posts that are old and need general updating, but then forget about them. And then there's also moments where I'm like "hm i want more p o i n t s" and can't find anything. So not only would we have more up-to-date threads, but maybe more activity?

And I think once a post is updated, the person who updated/reanswered it can comment "done" and then flag the original answer on the thread, to be hidden.

If this does become a thing, I think this would also be good for posts that don't have a proper answer or that are unresolved, to help bring more new, fresh eyes to them. We can upvote the hardest/most complicated/longest unresolved one, so that it stays near the top of the thread.

What do you guys think?


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