Meta-PokéBase Q&A
8 votes

With more of a focus on improving site quality recently, moveset threads and the answers posted on them are being flagged to be edited so they look nicer. Threads are also often flagged for mods to select a Best Answer on them. Both these things can be annoying to do when there's a flag limit per hour, preventing a person from immediately alerting staff to things that need to be remedied.

I understand why there's a limit -- so people don't flag randomly, for no reason. However, flags can be easily cleared with just a press of a button by a staff member, and together, the staff members cover most of the day. I'm also pretty sure that random flagging sprees don't happen often (or at all, for that matter), so what's the point of the limit? Is there something I'm missing?

TheHappening suggested having the limit removed as another privilege obtained through points, so perhaps that can be done if the flag limit isn't removed in its entirety.

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Also: allow you to flag your own posts
The only reason I can think of why somebody would want to flag their own post is to flag their answer to be BA'd by a mod, which I'm honestly against. I already think people are being a little too eager to give out BA flags.
I agree with KRWL on this one.  I feel like this would turn into a point grabbing method for users to do.  I know by wall stalking how many people report questions that some, if not most, of the time that they have answered, but not received BA for to Mods, and this would just make it worse in my opinion.
Flagging your own posts could be used for if you are unsure if your post is against the rules or not. Honestly I think just contacting the mods beforehand would be a better solution to that.
bump because i went through and flagged a bunch of answers for BA but it stops me after a few and its tiring let me do my BA flag hunts as much as i want for as long as i want >:(
Once again bumping

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