Meta-PokéBase Q&A
8 votes

Based off this question, if you have suggestions for tags that should be combined, please post them in an answer below. This is for tags that mean the same thing such as plurals or shorthands.

For example:
oras -> omega-ruby-alpha-sapphire
abilities -> ability

May we also suggest tag deletions? If you look at for example, you will see lots of tags like 'suggestions', 'team', 'improvements' and 'pokemon-team' that very clearly shouldn't exist.
I only have 1 so i'll comment, tcg and tcg-deck. The tcg category in general needs work and retagging for anyone who can be bothered.
I also only have one, ohko -> one-hit-ko.
I'm commenting as I only have one, brilliant-diamond-shining-pearl --> bdsp or vice versa, and I agree with Fizz's comment, those tags (and ones like rate-my-team and pokemon-showdown, but those are pretty specefic (as TCG rates are also allowed in RMT) so not very sure about them) aren't necessary at all.

8 Answers

5 votes

abilities -> ability
shinies -> Shiny
battles -> battle
hms -> hm
tms -> tm
legendaries, legendary -> legendary-pokemon
stat -> stats
dsi -> ds
battle-points -> bp
poke -> pokemon
sos-battles -> sos
Bottle-cap -> bottle-caps

(Or vise-versa? what do you think)

(i'll add more)

- Maybe turn the hms such as "cut" into just "hm"?
- Also, what about redirect specific abilities to be grouped under abilities? there's hundreds of different tags purely for different abilities.

Here are some game-specific suggestions:

red/blue/green -> red-blue
gold/silver -> gold-silver
ruby/sapphire -> ruby-sapphire
ruby-version -> ruby-sapphire
pearl/diamond -> diamond-pearl
heartgold/soulsilver -> heartgold-soulsilver
hgss -> heartgold-soulsilver
hg/ss -> heartgold-soulsilver
bw -> black-white
black/white -> black-white
b2/w2 -> black-white-2
bw2 -> black-white-2
oras -> omega-ruby-alpha-sapphire
sun/moon -> sun-moon
sm -> sun-moon
usum -> ultra-sun-ultra-moon
ultra-sun -> ultra-sun-ultra-moon
ultra-moon -> ultra-sun-ultra-moon
ultra-sun-moon -> ultra-sun-ultra-moon
swsh -> sword-shield
shield/sword -> sword-shield
ioa -> Isle-of-Armor
ct -> crown-tundra

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If you prefer "ultra-sun-ultra-moon" over "ultra-sun-moon", why do you also prefer "black-white-2" and not "black-2-white-2"?
... they mean the same thing, it has nothing to do with my personal preference. Its just..... a recommendation.
If we're going to be pedantic about tags in the first place, then we should care to present them consistently.
the only thing i think i disagree with is red-blue should be red-blue-green maybe?
3 votes

Here's a couple META tag suggestions:

  • accounts -> account
  • answer -> answers
  • ba -> best-answer
  • banned -> ban
  • bans -> ban
  • change -> changes
  • change-username -> name-change
  • closed -> closing
  • confused -> confusion
  • editors -> editor
  • experts -> expert
  • flag -> flags
  • flagging -> flags
  • lolwhy -> why
  • mega-pokemon -> mega-evos (or maybe the other way around)
  • moderators -> moderator
  • profiles -> profile
  • selecting-best-answer -> best-answer
  • showdown-server -> db-server
  • tournaments -> tournament
  • type-coverage-checker -> type-coverage
  • upvote -> upvotes
  • wall-post -> wall-posts
  • x-and-y -> xy

Will update if I think of any more.

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3 votes

Pokebase tags to combine (I will add any more I find):

  • fossils + fossil
  • flying-type + flying
  • bug-type + bug
  • ingame + in-game
  • poke-ball + pokeballs
  • hold-items + held-items
  • game-freak + gamefreak
  • weaknesses + weakness
  • lvl100 + level-100
  • pokemon-locations + locations
  • game-freak-logic + gamefreak-logic
  • bst + base-stat-total
  • lc + little-cup
  • selfdestruct + self-destruct
  • bp + base-power
  • dw + dream-world
  • uber-tier + ubers
  • pkrs + pokerus
3 votes

Some suggestions for tags on RMT: (I'll add more later)

  • x-y -> xy (there is more than one xy tag. One xy tag is x-y instead of xy)
  • team improvements -> improvements (or the other way around?)
  • uu-tier, underused -> uu
  • nu tier, neverused -> nu
  • sandstorm team, sand, and sandstorm -> sand-team
  • double battles -> doubles
  • ou team -> ou
  • sunny day -> sun-team
  • rain -> rain-team
    I'm not sure if I should mention this here, but:

There are some tags that have more than one of them. For example, there is another improvements tag. (I'll add more if I find more to mention)

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3 votes

Is there even a reason for there to be tags for specific games? Should we have omega-ruby and alpha-sapphire, as well as omega-ruby-alpha-sapphire?

fire-red -> firered
leaf-green -> leafgreen
frlg -> firered-leafgreen
showdown -> pokemon-showdown
card, cards, pokemon-cards -> tcg
mega -> mega-evolution
ball -> poke-ball
lgpe -> lets-go-pikachu-eevee
hack -> hacked
[every pokeball type] -> poke-ball
xp, exp -> experience
egg-hatching -> eggs
starters -> starter-pokemon
save -> save-file
scarf -> choice-scarf
region -> regions
ancientpower -> ancient-power
faint-attack -> feint-attack
smellingsalt -> smelling-salts
selfdestruct -> self-destruct
softboiled -> soft-boiled
thunderpunch -> thunderpunch
solarbeam -> solar-beam
capture -> catching
highest-stat -> stats
chain -> chaining

The below only have questions for the one on the left, however, I believe that they should be changed to the right because that's how they are formatted
hi-jump-kick -> high-jump kick
extremespeed -> extreme-speed
vice-grip -> vise-grip

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2 votes

ev-training -> evs
showdown -> pokemon-showdown
level-up, high-level -> level
happiness -> friendship
lc -> little-cup
hacked -> hack
pokemon-cards -> tcg
experience-growth -> experience
held-item, hold-items, hold-item -> held-items
in-game -> ingame
pla -> legends-arceus
I'll probably edit this answer and add more later.

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I feel like it's worth having a distinct tag for EV training and not just EVs in general.
2 votes

Pokébase tag suggestions

  • assault and vest --> assault-vest
  • compare-pokemon --> comparison
  • pokeflute --> poke-flute
  • hiddenability --> hidden-ability
  • berryjuice --> berry-juice
  • ditto-breeding --> breeding
1 vote

Battle formats

Battle format names on both RMT and PokeBase could use some work. A list of possible candidates is available here. Some examples of change that would help...

uber -> ubers
ou -> overused
uu -> underused
nd -> national-dex-ou (as "national-dex" alone could also refer to the group of National Dex formats)
ag -> anything-goes
ndag -> national-dex-ag
lc -> little-cup

...and so on. PU has no expanded form.

RMT tags

As I commented a while ago:

May we also suggest tag deletions? If you look at for example, you will see lots of tags like 'suggestions', 'rate-my-team', 'team', 'improvements' and 'pokemon-team' that very clearly shouldn't exist.

RMT tags should be set up so they force people to say something descriptive about the team, e.g. the battle format that is used, the archetype it uses (balance, offence, hyper-offence, etc), individual features it has (rain, hail, trick-room, etc).


Will add to this as I find tags to combine.

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ZU is ZeroUsed.