Meta-PokéBase Q&A
17 votes

I know that flags being changed colour to something less confronting has been said, but what if we could pick the colour of the flag and have an agreed system upon what each flag means?

Red: General Flag
Orange: This has already been asked
Yellow: Typos/bad formatting/wording, can someone edit?
Green: This needs a BA/Should be BA
Blue: Retag
Purple: Breaks the rules (general, minor issues eg. Roms)
White: Offensive/Troll, Please check this user. (More serious offenses, priority?)
Black: Other (please comment).

(Any other ideas?)

Or something like that? There's probably more instances of flags being used I'm forgetting ATM, but I think this would be a great way to tell mods what's needed without clogging the activity log with comments and stuff like "flagging for BA".

Maybe coloured flags can be a point requirement?* Like, up to a certain amount of points, you can only flag red, but after the point requirement, when you try to flag, a box of colours appears and you can select the flag colour, or the "reason for flagging", so that staff knows why it was flagged.

Basically, in conclusion, this would be good because:

  • The Flags communicate with staff without flooding activity log with comments.
  • There'll be no more "why was this flagged?" comments
  • The flagger can stay anonymous because they won't have to state why they flagged it
  • Probably would help keep the database more organized?

*= because new users might not know the flag colour system and may randomly colour flags incorrectly

edited by
Also i find it really annoying when people ask "why was this flagged?" So a colour system could literally say why it was flagged
No. Because it's not necessary.
This wasn't for you blaziken, this was for the staff, specifically PM. Everyone already wants the Flag System to be reworked, and Im pretty sure a solid potion of the staff/active user database would enjoy a simpler way of communication with Auth. Why do you think it's not necessary?
I think this is different than those. None of them say colour the flags per issue--it's kind of like a combination of both of those
Ah, my bad then :P
I kinda like this one. Mabye the yellow flags could ping experts too?
Maybe Blue could be retagging or include that in the Yellow
This is definitely a good idea and would make things more easy to understand. +1
I feel that this would just confuse new users even more as well as users who don't read the rules.  Additionally, most of the users that ask "Why was this flagged?" Fall under these 2 categories.  I don't think that this would reduce the amount of comments significantly, but I do believe it would help organize the site better.
You'd be surprised, J. Whenever i flag for BA, even some of our regular users ask why it was flagged. It happened to me today, too.
Glad to have your support overall. Even if it does confuse new users, it'll be handy for auth, amiright?
Also, this could include the flag being a hyperlink to some sort of meta post that can detail what each color means. I've already upvoted because I think this is a brilliant idea.
If this happens, can we get experts to also have the moderator tabs available (but obviously only for Blue and Yellow flags)?
Yeah this should definitely be a thing.
Yes please... It'd be greatt
Bump. (Filler)
Bumping again since I find it frustrating to be unable to sort the flags and this would help LOL

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