Alright here's some answers :)
I'm wondering, is there a reason why you don't do them asap?
Usually I don't have time to look at it right away, and then I end up forgetting about it.
Do you like mudkip?
U herd I leik mudkipz?
How old are you?
Will/have you ever do/done a face reveal?
I've never purposely hidden my face, I'm sure you can find a picture of me if you search hard enough.
What's your first/preferred name?
Favourite colour?
I feel like I'm too old for favourite colours lol, but it was always blue.
What is your irl job like?
graphic design is my passion
(I do web design/development and really do enjoy it!)
What's a fun fact about you?
I was once a consultant on a TV show called "The Simpsons Quiz". (Long story short: my previous website to this one was a Simpsons website and the producers of the show asked me to come in and check their questions were correct.)
What would be your chosen username if it wasn't Pokemaster?
Yes as Gekky said, probably DisgruntledGoat. I use that in some other places.
What gave you the image while making this site? Any references, motivation?
I've answered this before on Meta. There's also a bit of info on the About page. But basically I didn't like the layout of existing sites and just thought I could do better :)
And were u following any sites particular design while designing this site , bcuz it seems quite different from other sites like bulbapedia the way the information is located?
No, nothing in particular. As I make websites for a living I knew a bit about how to make websites simpler and easier to read.
I'm sorry that these sounds like security questions I promise I'm not committing identity theft or anything while you're at it what's your SIN? /joke
Sure it's 1, 4, 7... wait a minute!