Meta-PokéBase Q&A
7 votes

These questions get on my nerves. Pokémon is a kids game of animals running around with magical powers-it’s kinda odd to question Pokémon’s logic when there are pidgeons that can cause heat waves. You could ask more than 10 of these per Pokémon. Sure, there are theories, but these aren’t fact. GameFreak probably just gave the Pokémon the move for coverage or just for a buff or so it didn’t have a tiny movepool. Therefore, I think these questions shouldn’t be allowed.

I feel like this thread covers these types of questions.
@Swastik Those questions aren't nearly the same. This question refers to questions about WHY Pokemon can learn certain moves, the one you link regards IF Pokemon can learn certain moves.
Ah oops. My bad.
I usually think Game Freak logic questions are okay, but these are worse than the average Game Freak logic question.
I agree that recent times suggest we need to crack down more on theorising questions. The issue is less with whether they are answerable, and more with the fact they're really terrible to read.
I agree with that
I totally love this idea. No one knows for sure, and it is GAME FREAK LOGIC PEEPS :P

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