Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

Sorry for the sheer amount of suggestions I post-- I get ideas and figure "well maybe they're good", so yeah.

I'd adore the ability to post anonymously for a wide handful of reasons, here's my idea of this:

  • When posting a question or answer, there'll be a little checkmark box next to the "Email me (address) if my question is answered or commented on", either above or below, that's titled as "Post this as an anon".

  • The user's post will be titled under "Anon", and will not link to the users profile. HOWEVER, the points will still be redirected to the user's profile, and the question/answer will still appear under the appropriate section of the user's profile

  • This would only be for Q&A, not for comments.

  • Mods can bypass the anon posting and see who posted it as anon.

The reason why I'd like the ability to post as an anon is because, if I'm being completely honest, sometimes I see a post from someone, and I consider upvoting it, but then I see it's from a user I'm not particularly fond of, and the decide against it. I also have the same thing for people I do like, where I see an answer, think it's pretty good but doesn't need any more upvotes, and then see it's from someone I really appreciate, and then deciding to upvote it because "well I was going to anyways".

For Questions, there's some users who have a bad rep of asking dumb questions. Bad rep can also prevent people from upvoting or engaging in that particular user's questions.

I hate it. As unbiased as I try to be to the people on the site, there's little cases here and there where I do let my personal opinion get the best of me. I think this would be a great way to help prevent buddy upvoting. We can do everything we can do to not let our bias get the best of us, but at the end of the day, there's users with better and worse reps that influence how we interact with posts on the site.

It's something I'd personally really love to see implemented, and if anyone who sees this has had similar issues like mine, feel free to comment about them.

i personally don't really see the point to this, and obviously im not PM but this doesn't feel like something he'd use his limited time on to implement.
understandable, but i figured i may as well throw it out there, since it's something i'd personally enjoy and benefit from. Obviously not a must, but it would be nice imo nonetheless.
I personally don't upvote with a bias right now, although, I don't remember how I was when I joined. In fact, I rarely upvote at all, unless if something really impresses me or is a very good idea in general. As for security, I don't see a whole lot of risk here if mods can see everything, but if comments aren't anonymous, the asker will come into a paradox if they need to clarify or tell people that something isn't what they asked for, as they'd have to edit their post, and not a lot of people check that as much as comments. :P
I don’t really like your dumb questions example. You’re saying that “i have a bad rep and i’ll ask my only other questions i’ll ever post anonymously because i don’t want people to think my new posts are of quality.”
Syl i legit have no idea what you're talking about or what you just said
This was a feature previously, I believe, and was removed.
"For Questions, there's some users who have a bad rep of asking dumb questions. Bad rep can also prevent people from upvoting or engaging in that particular user's questions."
I'm saying that you are not letting people with bad reputation improve their reputation. Like if they just all of a sudden made really good questions and did that anonymously, people would still think "you're the guy that makes bad questions." Does that clear it up?
Ohhh, true I guess. Ultimately it would be up to the poster, though. I mean, I'm more focused on people downvoting posts because they're written by a user they're biased towards. I guess there's pros and cons
I don't think this will be useful for many people. I often up-vote answers before I read the name of the person who posted it.

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