Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

Sometimes when you post on someone’s wall, mainly someone popular (like Fizz) many people will post more and more and there will be a chance the wall-post reader will miss it.
Also for the walls. Walls are all public and you could want to say something in private to them (unless they have Discord, so that’s all right)

Just saying, this could be scrapped and closed.

I’m pretty sure this has been suggested. I’d like this but there was some reason it wasn’t allowed that I can’t quite remember

it wasn't given a formal answer so i won't close this one, but HT's comment on that thread sums it up. We essentially don't have an actual need for it for the purposes of the site, and the amount of people who use this site and can't use even a single other social media or messaging service is very low.
yeah you can just use discord
Why was this downvoted, this seems like a nice suggestion. And also, low is still something @PX
But is "low" worth the time, effort and problems the system will cause? Idk about that
I downvoted this for the reasons I stated on the other thread PX linked:
"I don't think that private messaging would be very good for the site. It'd probably cause unnecessary drama at some point, and there's no way we can moderate it. A decent portion of the users here are younger, and while I'm not someone to be all like "predators are everywhere on the internet!!!!!! strangers are all dangerous!!!!", but things like that do happen, and adding a private messaging system would make that a possibility here, where, without it, if we see anything strange going on, we can quickly deal with it. This is a Pokemon forum website, there shouldn't really be much of a need to discuss anything privately. Using something made specifically for messaging, like Discord or Hangouts, would be a much better experience, anyway."
I feel like a private messaging system would cause much more trouble than it's worth, and stuff like sexting and possibly even grooming would almost definitely happen at some point, which is something we don't want on the site at all. Especially with grooming, it'd be insanely difficult to stop because it can often go unreported. I'd also like to add that the only people on this site who can't use any other form of social media are people who are 12 and younger. There's probably a reason a lot of sites require users to be 13+ before signing up, don't you think?
I agrees with HT. That's true! Several abnormal incidents may happen like... sharing abusive/misleading contents and threatening people. If a system like this was introduced, right?

But wait.... What if Mods can see such personal messages?
Moderators having access to private messages would no longer make them private. If someone were to talk about personal information, it would be weird for us to have it, even if we obviously wouldn't do anything bad with that information it's still weird.
Maybe PM can only see it, not if he would want to. I mean, it’s like he has our emails or something.
PM isn't on enough to solve any issues that might happen in private messages.
Yes true.

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