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This post covers exactly why I think we need more moderation. We do need more moderation in chat, and the reason why I'm making this thread is because we haven't gotten any yet. I think it's well- needed in general, the role, since it's kind of "taboo" giving out editor status, in fear of it being mistreated. I genuinely think a role that's for the chat, just for the chat, would be great.

PX has been telling me for the past few months "get enough points and I'll propose that we promote you to editor", but honestly, that has been a hassle and somewhat draining-- it's hard to grind points. Probably not just for me, but for everyone. I think if there was a chatmod role with basic kick powers to trusted users, that would be cool. Regular user but kick powers.

If you been in chat, you'll know I'm active 8+ hours a day helping keep stuff sane and reporting to staff, and a lot of users have been mentioned #tyforchatmod. I think a lot of users trust and support me being promoted since generally I'm unbiased and am dedicated to keeping this place safe.

Users such as X, Y, SYL, Flaweon, KygorePulse, PX, CC, and even slightly Fizz too have been in generally in support of the Tyforchatmod movement, but obviously, that'll never happen without the role existing. Also, I'm in the same timezone as HT, so that would work out for that.

tea Today at 6:58 PM
hey fizz can i be promoted to chatmod
Lockgd Today at 6:59 PM
yes but chatmod doesn't exist
tea Today at 6:59 PM
thank u, i am spiritually the official chatmod now
Lockgd Today at 7:01 PM
works for now i suppose :p

TL;DR the chatmod role should exist and a solid amount of users agree that I'd make a decent chatmod, PM notice me

Sorry, some people been kind of upset about the self-nomination aspect of this post? I want to clarify that this post is yeah, well I'm advocating for myself, but that's because I'm a prime example who been generally trusted and would be down for it, but also it's something the chat needs in general. I'm using myself as an example here because a lot of users trust me, and I can use my own personal experiences in the post.

HOWEVER, this is something the chat needs in general. Many users agree that chat needs a few extra helping hands, and yes, while there's a good handful of users next in line for editor, that doesn't mean they'll be any more active in the social aspect of the site. I agree that there's some users who deserve a promotion more than I, but the ones I can think of on the top of my head aren't usually active in chat.

So then, what's the point? If we just promote people who have little to no interest in the chat aspect to editor, there still will be an issue with lack of chat moderation.

Tl;dr 2, sorry that I nominated myself in the last post, but I do honestly think it's something needed specifically for the good of that chat. Editor promotion =/= moderated chat, therefore I firmly believe there should be a role for it.

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yeah pm notice ty
Make this right now we need it
We really do need this, #Tyforchatmod
also promote ht and x to editor
*wants to be an editor really bad* lol
Are there any other potential Chatmods?
The ability to see IP addresses isn't even something editors have. I don't even think it's necessary for mods to have it, but people moderating chat definitely should not have it. It wouldn't even be useful, because they can't fully ban people. I honestly think that it'd be best to just promote people who are active on chat (that are also deserving of it) to editor, but that's not saying that this would be a bad idea.
If you really are active for 8 hours per day, then you should be easily able to get expert in 6 months and editor in 1 or 2 years.
yikes, you're kind of salty. I gained my 1.5k in like two months, and i'm only active in chat, as said in the post. multiple users can confirm i'm always in the chat... I wake up at 8 AM every day and i'm in chat until i go to sleep at 12, unless I have work.

Although this account is old, I never used it until march. my post history can confirm this. You shouldn't be using account age and points against me.

Not only that, but this post also lies into the fact *we don't have time* to get points. the chat needed more moderation 6 months ago, and it still hasnt gotten it.
I can back Ty up there, they're in chat almost the entire day, every day. Points shouldn't matter in making them a potential chatmod, haven't they shown themselves to be consistently active in the social aspects of this site?
yea ty is pretty active, they're in chat almost every time I'm on here and they're a pretty nice person too. It's called  a CHATmod for a reason, it doesn't really matter how much they contribute to the question/answer portion of this site, mostly just how active and helpful/nice they are in the chat.
Perhaps I'm out of line here, but when I originally made my post on chat moderation, I explicitly avoided mentioning anyone I thought would be a good candidate for this role because I wanted people to focus on the problem and how it can be improved rather than focus on who could potentially gain authority from this and climb up the DB ranks, because that's not what it was about. If I wanted to make it about getting a promotion, I probably would've put myself down lmao (that's probably not true anymore, but I digress). This is something I think is an issue that needs to be addressed, and I really don't like to see it being used as an attempt just to get promoted, which is kind of what I think is going on here. We don't even know if chat mod is going to be a thing yet, so if this is something you really want to pursue, let's focus on making the actual role a reality first.
I agree with Felix... his original post is basically a suggestion to create a role or do something that would allow for more moderation in chat... there's not much of a reason for that to be suggested again, and this kinda feels like a self-nomination for something that doesn't even exist yet
I honestly don't see the point in creating a new role.  Why not just give Experts the power to kick?  The combination of me, Giga Blade X, Chocolatte and sometimes HT and other Experts and Mods, we are on for most of the day.  In any case, if there is a certain period we all aren't on, we could just promote someone to Expert, albeit someone with experience on the site and a good number of points.  Additionally, even at the times we barely cover (e.g 5am EST), there is barely, if any activity in the Chat Room.
I agree with Felix and HT here. And id just wait for the next few people to become editors and get kicking power rather than creating a whole new role.
If the chamod role existed, it would be perfect for you.
Yes, you are on chat a lot, which is good for chat mod. I- don't know if I agree with just plain asking in meta, but I don't think you would be bad as chat mod. As for grinding points... well, easy peasy. It may not be easy to you, yes, but Mod with 1k points is... a bit low. Sorry, I don't want to offend you, just stating my opinion. But if you were chat mod, I think you'd be good for the job. The only problem is points, obviously. 1k points and mod is like me with 600 points and Expert or Editor. I do think there should be more Mods, as the active Mods rn are PX and Fizz. Oh and PM, but doesn't count.

TL;DR I think 1k points is a bit too low points to be Mod, that's like me being Editor or Expert. But you as chat mod would be good, as PX is the only Mod I know that goes onto chat. You are on chat a lot, making you suitable for the job.; Only problem is points.
To be fair i don't understand why sumwun is always against Ty? Anyways, i can agree with the other people here that the self nomination is a bit, eh? But Ty definitely needs the role. As for J, no, not at all. I don't know if you know, but there was something called a 'gligurr' situation and it could happen in chat. Also a lot of people in chat get into squabbles so they also would probably just kick out of anger lmao.

Also aren't we underestimating how much Ty is online here? Like 8 hours is a lot lmao, and no Editor can surpass that combined with being such a neutral voice in chat. Ultimately i definitely do agree with Felix to an extent, let's get the role first before we start discussing nominations.
thank you syl <3
sumwun is just giving an opinion, don't make this personal in anyway

I did a post on why experts shouldn't be allowed to kick, so go look that up if you want to know why. Tldr it doesn't make any actual sense.

I don't know how much I supported the chatmod idea before (I know I talked about it in chat a bit) but my stance now is more in line with the "just promote more editors" stance.

I don't have anything against anyone who has put someone else or themselves forward, but I feel that the role is unnecessary. The main problem is just not having auth during US timezones. Literally one extra editor can cover that role.

Additionally, I will echo Felix and mention that people seem to be using this as a way to sell themselves for a promotion. I don't think anyone is being malicious or anything, but in general new Auth gets pushed by old Auth, with community blessing. We should have a feature confirmation first, and then suggest later.

In other words, you guys are getting way too ahead of yourselves. Calm down a bit.

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