Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

Including Experts, Editors, and Moderators.

If this has been asked/updated recently/against the rules please say so and I'll hide it. There is one thread from 2018 that never got answered.

Editors I think are sumwun and KRLW890, mods Fizz, PX, and maybe Mewderator, Experts I'm pretty sure are me, Coco, J, HT, and fwoofyy. I have seen others around though, so I'm not sure if this comment is entirely accurate :P
aren't there like 10 inactive staff members like trachy
I come on here at least once daily to check meta and edit general quality control stuff, if that counts

1 Answer

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Best answer

You can go here for editors and mods. (trachy and Sempi check in sometimes and can help when needed, but they're not active here or on our server.)

Later, I might go through the list of experts and list which ones have recent activity, but I have better things to do at the minute. In short, the ones that look inactive are inactive and the ones that look active are active.

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Thank you Fizz!