Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes

I was wondering if this could be possible, so then if someone is just breaking every rule, swearing, saying lewd things, etc then regular users could vote kick.

Make a 5-10 minute cool down in the vote kick option, thus preventing spam vote kicking.
Maybe when you click/tap on the vote kick option again, show a mini timer of how long until you can vote kick again.

Also, instead of a 10 minute kick, make it a 5 minute one, just in case of an unfair kick.

Edit: Also make mods able to enable/disable the Votekick option

Another edit:

What if a certain number of votes sent a notification to experts+? They don’t tend to bend the rules.
commented 19 hours ago by PianoGeek123

edited by
a troller can make 10 dupes and then vote kick everybody on chat
true, but then again, its only 5 minutes, and then there is the cool
10 dupes can target one person by spam kicking, 5 minutes cool down with 5 minutes kick? easy
even if the cool down is longer 10 dupes can bypass that
hmmm... Thats a good point..

 how about one kick per IP address?

But you don't exactly have to be a genius to change your IP address...
Good idea but probably more hassle than its worth. Increasing our control and options around kicking and bestowing powers to more users fixes this problem for the most part
What if a certain number of votes sent a notification to experts+? They don’t tend to bend the rules.

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