Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

So should you only upvote posts that you think are interesting or informative? Or does it not really matter? Because usually on social media I just like everything that I don't particularly dislike. Is that OK?

In my experience, people here generally give out upvotes less frequently than on other social media, but at the end of the day, it really is up to you. Most people, myself included, tend to usually only upvote if the post is informative, insightful, and/or clearly had a lot of effort put into it, but if you want to upvote most posts you see, then that's fine.
It also shifts with the culture of the site. A lot of posts from 6+ years ago have many upvotes because people upvoted more liberally back then, and more recently, I've noticed people being more happy to give out votes than usual over the past couple months.

1 Answer

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You're free to upvote whatever you want, really. (Except if you're only giving upvotes to a friend or duplicate account.) But here are some guidelines anyway.

For questions, you should upvote things that are interesting or informative. For answers, upvote anything that's correct and/or well-written.

Since we tend to remove anything that's very low quality, upvoting "everything that I don't particularly dislike" means you would be upvoting pretty much everything, which kinda defeats the purpose. But as I said it's up to you - if you like something you're free to upvote it.

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